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I have never thrown swimbaits before. Would like a few pointers on the best type to buy, best ways to rig them and how and where to fish them.. 

I appreciate your help. 

Thank you 


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What size swimbaits to you want to throw? 4in, 6in, 10inch?  Hard, Soft?

 Hey Joseph, I figure the bass in North Idaho are finally going to be pushing shallow off of the vertical breaks onto the flats with the warmer weather we are having and a full moon this weekend,  and should be around the docks. I was thinking about throwing some soft 6 & 8 " swimbaits parallel around the docks and see what I can catch. I am open to any suggestions and help, as I am a newbie to swimbaits.. 

thank you 


For soft baits I would look into Huddlestons and maybe some 3:16 Rising Sons and Mission Fish.  The 3:16 baits are probably more attainable right now than the Huddlestons.  They come with their own little bottle of repair glue for free.  Every order so far has had a free bait thrown in as well.  Excellent customer service.


A good place to start would be:


20lb mono/flouro 6" hudds

25lb mono/flouro 8" hudds


What rod(s) are you going to use?  Be sure to use something that can handle these bigger baits.  The last thing you want to do is burn yourself out.  Bigger swimbaits is a large commitment.

A couple other baits that have worked well for me are the 6" Basstrix hollow bellies rigged on a weighted swimbait hook and the 6" BBZ1's. These baits are easy to throw all day long.

What kind of areas are you targeting when you throw swimbaits?  The rod I was going to use was a mojo bass swimbait rod.. 

Hi Kevin,

When throwing swimbaits around the spawn, I like to concentrate on key staging areas adjacent to spawning flats as well as high-percentage ambush spots, preferably with deeper water close by.  I have learned that boat positioning and the angles at which you present the swimbait are critical to catching quality fish consistently.  The margin of error in the presentation for triggering bites with big baits seems to be much smaller than with normal-sized conventional baits.  However, the huge benefit of the larger swimbaits is their drawing power.  Factor in the light conditions, water clarity, wind direction, water temperature, sun/shade angles and seasonal timing to ensure you are making the most natural presentation possible.  I feel it is better to take your time setting up to make one good, high-percentage cast vs. making 30 random casts hoping for a bite.

Good luck!

Kevin Lunde said:

What kind of areas are you targeting when you throw swimbaits?  The rod I was going to use was a mojo bass swimbait rod.. 

Tag does this good, I'd listen!
Tag Watson said:

I have learned that boat positioning and the angles at which you present the swimbait are critical to catching quality fish consistently.

Kevin Lunde said:

What kind of areas are you targeting when you throw swimbaits?  The rod I was going to use was a mojo bass swimbait rod.. 

Tag does this well, not good.  Damn kids and their grammer
Spencer Durand said:

Tag does this good, I'd listen!
Tag Watson said:

I have learned that boat positioning and the angles at which you present the swimbait are critical to catching quality fish consistently.

Kevin Lunde said:

What kind of areas are you targeting when you throw swimbaits?  The rod I was going to use was a mojo bass swimbait rod.. 

To quote 30 Rock's Tracy Jordan - "Superman does good. You are doing well."

I'll leave it to someone else to make the Tag vs. Superman comparison.

Zach Chandler said:

Tag does this well, not good.  Damn kids and their grammer
Spencer Durand said:

Tag does this good, I'd listen!
Tag Watson said:

I have learned that boat positioning and the angles at which you present the swimbait are critical to catching quality fish consistently.

Kevin Lunde said:

What kind of areas are you targeting when you throw swimbaits?  The rod I was going to use was a mojo bass swimbait rod.. 

Thank you everyone for all of the great answers. Now I need to get out this weekend and start throwing some swimbaits.. 

thank you 

In the newest issue of BAM, there is a new series that we started featuring rigging tips, tricks and secrets of anglers. This issue has three different rigging tips for three different swimbaits.  It is on page 34 and is also available on the iPhone apps with video instruction.



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