Washington Fishing

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Thanks to all that helped Chase in making the trip he will never forget. His mother and I can not say enough to ever express our gratitude. When life jumps out and hits you square in the gut, the humanity of others, some we've met and some complete strangers have come out in swarms. We could not be prouder parents of our son who has obviously made a mark on the people he has met in this tight bass fishing family. The generous contributions that have made this trip possible our overwhelming. Because of all of you we sit here in Houston airport today one more flight away from the CLASSIC. I really can not explain the difference this has made to Chase and how it has kept his spirits high. Just last week he learned his treatments were going to be extended when he though he could see the finish line. He was to have just 3 more Chemo treatments and be done. Instead he has 7 more and then 3 straight weeks of radiation. I know that knowing he had this trip was just around the corner kept him from getting down. The good news is the treatments are working and show many of the cancer cells are dead. It hard to explain how we feel about what you all have done for Chase and the difference it has made. All we can say is Thank you!!! But we surely feel much much more.

Thanks all,

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Comment by Dan Johnson on February 29, 2012 at 9:49am


Last week was seriously the best week of my life. There were many moments last week when i choked up so hard i could'nt even speak. Barb had the same feelings. It was absolutely heart warming and gave us huge joy to see this turn out the way it did. I can't even begin to tell you how awesome it was to be able to share this with you guys via text and facebook. Chase never skipped a beat when i texted him. Thank you Chase Heaton.


Comment by Erik Faiola on February 26, 2012 at 8:08pm

Having not had the pleasure of meeting Chase or working with him in the NW bass events, I have enjoyed the recent photos of him making the most of his recent experience.  If he is ever in the Bellingham area, shoot me a PM and I will make the time to take him (and you) out on one of the local lakes.  I know that every positive moment during this struggle make a HUGE difference and would be happy to contribute.  This is an open invite, you can shoot me a PM and I will make sure he gets out on the boat on Whatcom or another local lake.

Comment by Chad Simon on February 24, 2012 at 6:00am

Comment by Chad Simonjust nowDelete Comment


Thank you for allowing us to be part of this journy! This world needs more people like Chase. Although I don't know Chase on a personal level; his smile, and hard work during NW Bass events have always stood out to me. That's why I didn't need to second guess my contributions. Keep the pictures rolling in!

God Bless,

Chad Simon

Comment by Marc Marcantonio on February 23, 2012 at 7:32pm

Regan, thanks for taking the time out of your busy travels to update us!  You have a lot to be proud about with Chase, and we wish there was even more that we could do!  Enjoy every minute and stay strong; there are a lot of friends pulling for Chase and you as well!  Thank you for being there with and for Chase.


Marc Marcantonio

Comment by Jake Anderson on February 22, 2012 at 6:35pm



It's great to hear that Chase has high spirits.  Enjoy your time at the classic!  I'm sure it won't be hard to do. Be sure to post up some pictures here after you get some time!  I'm sure everyone would love to see them.





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