Washington Fishing

The Online Source for Washington Fishing Information

Last year I met a guy named Mike on lake Goodwin.

The way I met him my battery went dead. When I rowed in Mike

was launching his boat . When I told him about my battery he

invited me to go out with him. I had a great day of  fishing.

Then I broke my arm. I would like to find Mike so that we could synchronise

a  fishing trip to Lake Goodwin. I  don't know Mike's last name .

Here is what I do know. He is a retired baker. He fishes

Lake Goodwin year round. He was in the Marines. His wife

worked for Washington Mutal Bank.She was laid off when her

job went to the Philipines . She went to Edmunds Community College.

Now she works at the college in the section that helps students

with disabilities. I found out that she still works at the college,

but because of security policies I could not fine out any more.


If any of you know Mike could you tell him that I am looking for him.

My name is Leslie Mutchler

My home phone number is 425-353-2058

                   Cell phone is 425-314-7841




Views: 119


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Comment by Pat on June 17, 2011 at 8:11pm
Find him?
Comment by BigBass Dez on June 7, 2011 at 10:48am
Jake Stop flirting with Leslie , doesnt sound like your her type ..haha
Comment by Jake Anderson on June 7, 2011 at 7:01am

Absolutely Les!   When do we get to hang out? 


Oh, and leslie....please see Dr. Rumstein at Western st.   Did I mention how thorough he is? 

Comment by Leslie Mutchler on June 7, 2011 at 4:21am

WOW!!!! Jake you and I have something in common besides fishing.


Comment by Jake Anderson on June 6, 2011 at 10:24am

I think you may have bumped your head a little when you broke your arm.  There's a place in the tacoma area that looks at these types of injuries.  I believe its called western state. They are very nice there.......and thorough. 

Comment by Leslie Mutchler on June 5, 2011 at 6:07pm

I was fishing on July 5th of last year. It was rainy and cold.

When I came in from fishing I was shivery  , cold and unsteady

on my feet. I tripped , fell and broke my arm when unloading my boat.

That ended my fishing for the year.  I want to find Mike because I

want to tell him I had  succeeded in getting the county

park at Lake Goodwin to open the boat launch  gate at

sunrise and not 7 A M. This success should qualify me to

post creepy posts.   You want the combination to the gate lock

call me 425-353-2058. :)



Comment by Jake Anderson on June 5, 2011 at 12:19pm

Can you clarify the "broken arm" part of the story?  Not going to lie......creepy, creepy post.

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