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Do you have your new license for the new year.

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All I have to say is that I'm extremely thankful for the WDFW officers we do have. I've allways followed the rules, and I hear of way to many people who don't. The last few years I've been checked 6 times. Twice each at Washington, Silver, and Spanaway. I was happy to be checked! No matter what anyone thinks, our state is way under-manned for WDFW officers. I've done ride-a-longs in both eastern and western Washington, and I've met a few other officers along the way, and they don't have it easy. They have to cover ton's of ground, often when backup is over an hour a way if something goes crazy. They deal with people with guns, crack heads, non english speaking immigrants, and other idiots all the time. Yes, I know there profession is their choice, but I'm greatful for the one's we do have. If anyone knows what they have to go through day in and day out, they would probably understand why their attitudes aren't allways the best.
I am glad those guys chose that profession, most of them are really nice guys and like to fish and hunt, that is why they chose that proffession to make sure that it is protected. Yeah he came out of the gate all nice because that is his true colors, but he still has to get the job done. Right? Or why would we, yes, we pay him! I agree with you though I don't feel sorry for him that job was his choice, but I do feel grateful that somewhere out there there is a guy or a gal that is enforcing the rules, and not just letting people slide by......Like Eric bragging about not buying a liscense, I reminded that guy last week, and wish he would of got a ticket, because he knowingly did not go buy one....
Nolliver said:
Mike, my post was pretty clear so I'm not sure how you missed my point. The guy came out the gate as a real nice feller and in the same breath turned all biz. I don't feel sorry for him or his profession. Life is all about choices and he chose to be a cop and cops deal on a whole different level. No doubt my buddy screwed up and I was the second to tell him that right behind the game officer. I know their deal so why they put on a show is beyond me. Just come right out and say it so I can be on my way. No time for the heat!

Mike Bess said:
If your buddy would have followed the rules you would leave the parking lot thinking he was a nice guy. I don't envy what they do for a living. Can you imagine the knuckleheads they run in to?

Nolliver said:
Picked up my freshwater on Friday night in anticipation of Saturday's outing. Spent 11 hours on the big lake and get back to the launch and the gamie feigning genuine curiosity about the days luck. After disarming me with his phony kindness the real questions came. Which rig was mine, where was my trailer, did I have a parking permit and where was my 09 license. I passed the exam but my buddy overlooked the March 31st exp. date on his 08 license and got nailed for the no license violation. $109 later and a stiff lecture about him not writing him up for the no parking permit ($135) we were on our way. At least the guy only got one ticket and I think its strange that the no license ticket was cheaper than the parking permit.
Expensive day on the water with no fish to show. At least we found water in the 50* range later in the day. Surface temp in water over 30' deep near some sick looking cover.
I am very thankful for our WDFW officers as well. I personally wish our State could afford even more enforcement. I agree with Chad, I am very happy to be checked and I also enjoy conversing with the officers.
This topic hit home with me because one of my best friends is a Sargeant for WDFW up in Whatcom County. It is amazing the amount of idiots out there and the stories he has on a daily basis in dealing with the public. Granted, maybe the guy came off as "fake" for a lack of a better term. But he probably was seriously interested in how you guys did for the day. If he would of shown zero personal interest in you guys, he would have came off as a d!%k. He was in a no win situation. From a personal view, I have lost over the last 15 years about 30,000 acres of ground I used to hunt that stretched from Lower Granite on the Snake to Grant County. Most of it was lost due to poaching by morons. And it is only going to get worse due to budget cuts within this state. I do see you point Nolliver, but there are a couple of others as well..... Oh and Deric, you'll be getting a call shortly. I need extra permit points!
I think you all are missing a subtle point that Nolliver was making. He doesn't disagree with the need for law enforcement. He isn't saying it is an easy job. He isn't saying he doesn't appreciate the job they are doing. He just didn't care for the way the guy handled it. I agree with him. If the officer intends to write people up a few days after their license expires then get down to business, don't get all chatty and follow it up with "by the way here is your ticket"

I wasn't bragging about not getting a license I just forgot. I know it is complicated so I will type slooowwwwlyyyyy.

Now why don't you WDFG butt kissers get together, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya My Lord.
Thanks for typing slowly, I really appreciate it. Now I get it. You forgot. Good excuse! Coming from a guy who didn't bother getting his license in time, I can understand how you who would feel being in that position. Oh that's right, you were in that position a week earlier you tool.....

Eric DeLay said:
I think you all are missing a subtle point that Nolliver was making. He doesn't disagree with the need for law enforcement. He isn't saying it is an easy job. He isn't saying he doesn't appreciate the job they are doing. He just didn't care for the way the guy handled it. I agree with him. If the officer intends to write people up a few days after their license expires then get down to business, don't get all chatty and follow it up with "by the way here is your ticket"

I wasn't bragging about not getting a license I just forgot. I know it is complicated so I will type slooowwwwlyyyyy.

Now why don't you WDFG butt kissers get together, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya My Lord.
It is unfortunate that the WDFW is spending their limited resources and time staking out the Sammamish boat launch before and during a bass tournament. I have to wonder if they are looking to generate revenue (and make up for their budget cuts) by citing people who obviously buy a license every year but have one that is expired by a few days or are they trying to catch the real criminals who are poaching or not ever buying a license?

It is possible to come off in a professional manner without making small talk. Police officers do it all the time. I know you drive like a grandma and have never been pulled over but most people know what I am talking about.

It makes sense that you have a buddy who works for the WDFW and obviously that is why you got your panties all in a wad and jumped Nolliver for no reason. Next time you are running around in your sundress and Birkenstocks why don't you run this by your boyfriend at WDFW: they do a crappy job managing our fisheries, they are run by "native species only" fanatics and they never did crap with all the money they collected for "warm water enhancement" besides dumping a bunch of Tiger Muskies in a few lakes.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it "Sargeant Spellcheck"

Mike Bess said:
This topic hit home with me because one of my best friends is a Sargeant for WDFW up in Whatcom County. It is amazing the amount of idiots out there and the stories he has on a daily basis in dealing with the public. Granted, maybe the guy came off as "fake" for a lack of a better term. But he probably was seriously interested in how you guys did for the day. If he would of shown zero personal interest in you guys, he would have came off as a d!%k. He was in a no win situation. From a personal view, I have lost over the last 15 years about 30,000 acres of ground I used to hunt that stretched from Lower Granite on the Snake to Grant County. Most of it was lost due to poaching by morons. And it is only going to get worse due to budget cuts within this state. I do see you point Nolliver, but there are a couple of others as well..... Oh and Deric, you'll be getting a call shortly. I need extra permit points!


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