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Maybe I'm losing my mind, but I thought I've heard multiple guys tell me awhile ago that fishing in the arboretum isn't allowed, but I can't find anything in the regs about it. Also I'm not really sure what the official boundaries of the arboretum would be?  Any help?

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You can fish in the arboretum Joel , just not in most bass tourneys !! 

That area is just one of which that most event organizers make off limits waters ..

same deal for the Cut also !! I remember a couple of years ago someone posted a pic of guys fishing the cut during there club tounrney ..lol That was some funny stuff !!

OK that makes sense.


Thanks Dez


Actually, you are right.  However, this year Northwest Bass will not make the Abortetum area off limits.

Lisa will have this posted in the morning or late Thursday.








BigBass Dez said:

You can fish in the arboretum Joel , just not in most bass tourneys !! 

That area is just one of which that most event organizers make off limits waters ..

same deal for the Cut also !! I remember a couple of years ago someone posted a pic of guys fishing the cut during there club tounrney ..lol That was some funny stuff !!

Thanks Gary I was kind of curious about that.  Just seems easier that way. I've always been a little freaked out about what the boundaries would be if it was off limits.
reallly !!  Thats awesome news GARY :-)

Gary Stiles said:


Actually, you are right.  However, this year Northwest Bass will not make the Abortetum area off limits.

Lisa will have this posted in the morning or late Thursday.








BigBass Dez said:

You can fish in the arboretum Joel , just not in most bass tourneys !! 

That area is just one of which that most event organizers make off limits waters ..

same deal for the Cut also !! I remember a couple of years ago someone posted a pic of guys fishing the cut during there club tounrney ..lol That was some funny stuff !!

Ok so where is the Arboretum so everyone knows where to stay out of for some tournaments.

BigBass Dez said:
reallly !!  Thats awesome news GARY :-)

Gary Stiles said:


Actually, you are right.  However, this year Northwest Bass will not make the Abortetum area off limits.

Lisa will have this posted in the morning or late Thursday.








BigBass Dez said:

You can fish in the arboretum Joel , just not in most bass tourneys !! 

That area is just one of which that most event organizers make off limits waters ..

same deal for the Cut also !! I remember a couple of years ago someone posted a pic of guys fishing the cut during there club tounrney ..lol That was some funny stuff !!

????  Bogey you might want to read what gary said again ..
bogey4444 said:
Ok so where is the Arboretum so everyone knows where to stay out of for some tournaments.

BigBass Dez said:
reallly !!  Thats awesome news GARY :-)

Gary Stiles said:


Actually, you are right.  However, this year Northwest Bass will not make the Abortetum area off limits.

Lisa will have this posted in the morning or late Thursday.








BigBass Dez said:

You can fish in the arboretum Joel , just not in most bass tourneys !! 

That area is just one of which that most event organizers make off limits waters ..

same deal for the Cut also !! I remember a couple of years ago someone posted a pic of guys fishing the cut during there club tounrney ..lol That was some funny stuff !!

The one time I've been in there, I was chased out.

You can go in there if you like playing dodge the rental canoe. Have fun trying to fit under the bridge if you have a power pole also.

I know Gary is trying to get clarification on this, however I have lived here all of my life I know for the last 30 years since I started boating in lk wa it has been off limits for all boats with motors. That is what the signs have always stated by all small bridges where a boat would consider going in. I have not been in that area for over 10 yrs but I'm sure nothing has changed. As far as fishing allot of people fish in there and you can fish just not from a boat with a motor beyond the trails. You can fish from the canoes, non motorized boat, of from docks and shore. It is muddy sloughs and back channels. It has always been known as a wildlife sanctuary and provides allot of habitat for the turtles and birds.Just an observation a bass boat in there with a trolling motor would really make a mess back there.


My only guess if not posted now is that an over anxious bass angler removed them. There is part of it you can enter from the 520 bridge side that has never been posted (some parts are a challenge as you need to remove your windshields to better pass back and forth under he bridge. But where all the docks, bridges, trails are has previously always been posted.


Seems like every year lately someone is trying to push the envelope on Lake Wa. and there is controversy??? I wonder why Gary is not to fond of Lake Wa?????


Hope that helps??



Seems like every year lately someone is trying to push the envelope on Lake Wa. and there is controversy??? I wonder why Gary is not to fond of Lake Wa?????


Rick ,

I hear what ya saying bud , My only problem is that how much more bending over are we going to endure in our bass community Rick. You are correct , every year we do try our best to push the envelope  on this lake by defending our rights to fish anywhere we want as long as its within state and wildlife regulations . There isn't anything wrong with that , period  ! 

If we stop fishing in areas that are frowned upon by the residence around the lake well IMO we would be sending the wrong message to the state . You better believe that at some  point all the bending over will just end up back firing against the fishing community ..

There would groups of folks out there saying things like "No fishing in the canals or the arboretum period , even the bassfishermen agree with us "  and we all know thats not our intent .. I say continue the fight of being able to fish in legal body of waters on any freaking lake across the state , continue to grow our fishing community , and continue to send the proper message to all the tree hugging naysayers across the state ..  We practice catch n relase , we dont harm wildlife , and we have class and show respect to our surroundings whenever we hit the lake !!


Btw Rick i dont plan on going in there too fish , but i like the fact thats its ok if i decided to change my mind next wkend ..haha


"Stand for something or fall for anything "




Dez, I hear ya and agree.  The point I am making is thus far the past controversy's have been in areas that have been clearly marked and are enforceable by WDFW.  Like yarrow bay 2 yrs ago, it had to be defined because in a prior yr someone or more was fishing in there during a nw tourney and happens they got big fish but no one protested, same thing in the back of juanita a few years back. I am definatley not speaking to areas that are private and marked or posted by local home owners. As some know I am one of the ones that has waited for Bellevue PD in Newport to make a point more than one time :) and I will again as long as it's done without physical confrontation and done in good taste.


Most of what I am stating is common sense, but there are those looking to push the envelope. Meaning it seems unless Gary specifically makes a ruling on it some think it is in the gray area and do it until told not to. The only way WE can stop this is to protest. Which too many people seem to refrain from.


I think you get my point & I'm done beating this dead horse.




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