Washington Fishing

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      A buddy and I are heading over to Moses for the weekend. We have a pretty cool house on the lake we're going to be staying at, if anyone is going fishing in the area let me know. I'll keep an eye out and maybe a beer or 6 cold.

Leaving Friday- might stop off at vantage to fish the river there for a few.Never fished there before. Anyone heard good things????
 Hittin Moses or potholes sat. and the other on Sunday. Should be nice over there and the bite should be alright as well. Need to catch me a fatty.........no Dez not a couple of chubbys on a jetski either. LOL 

I have a black with red and silver striped nitro. Give me a wave(the finger works too) if you see me.

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Got back from the weekend trip.

Here's a recap- Friday get to vantage about 6-6:15 fish the river for about 3 hours. caught about 20 fish. Nothing of real size but its always fun fishin a new spot and catch fish pretty much non stop.

Saturday- Sleep through our 6:30 alarm and end up on the water at 7:45. By 9:15 we had 1 fish, 2 beers down the hatch and a ticket from fish and wildlife. I guess i need to get a few things for my boat. I don't have a carbon monoxide sticker, a working horn, fire extinguisher, boaters ed card(i thought i had to have it by next year) a type IV flotation device bla bla bla. Why is it a law to have a floation device when its a law to have a life vest for everyone on the boat????? most ridiculous rule there is. So after the 30 mins chatting/gettting ticketed with the WDFW guys we start to fish again. I end up catching only 6 fish or so. Again nothing to speak of for weight. Off the water at 5:30 we were going to make it out for an hour or so before dark but my buddy was discouraged from only catchin 1 dink all day.

Anyone else on Moses get ran down by the WDFW. We saw them stop anyone and everyone that was close to them after they left us.

Sunday- get up and pack our truck up. Headin home we see the river is like glass and decide to try our luck again for a few hours. Heading to the canal we see a cruiser and begin pursuit. We end up following it to a shoreline where it is a largie free for all. Never seen so many fish in one place......also have never seen so many fish and couldn't get a single one to bite. Threw the kitchen sink at them with no luck. It was cool to see so many fish swimming around though.

All in all it was a pretty good weekend. Weather was pretty nice. It did rain a lil bit though.
Of course there are. The really packed ones you drop are a good example.

Phil Mehrtens said:
Wow I didnt know there was a "gayturd presentation" or gayturds at all! Only a person of your caliber and demographic could point this out.I thought you were getting your GENDER REASSIGNMENT surgery this month to finally join those manboobs of yours with the bearded clam you have always dreamed of having and be a TRUE woman like you have always dreamed of being.

Sparky said:
Phil likes GAYTURDS on his rod.He likes the walk the dog action!

RFatt16 said:
Gaytors are your favorite animal
Dez forgot to mention that I had him crying like a school girl when I broke out the Doug Hannon snake bait later in the day. That was some of the funniest stuff I had seen in a while. I wasn't sure if it was poisonous or non poisonous initially. Poked it a few times with the flipping stick, got no big reaction from it and the head wasn't triangular shaped. So I figured it for just a BIG non poisonous snake and flipped it out of the boat. Poor Dez was off his game after that.

Whateva Dude !
#1 rule in wildlife "if it has a mouth full of teeth, it will bite" ..
#2 rule in wildlife "Once a human enters the woods or water , you instantly become part of the food chain" ..
#3 rule in wildlife "survival of the fittest sometimes means , YELL ! AND RUN FOR YOUR DEAR LIFE" ...haha
And once again mark i thankyou for removing our visitor that day , because if it was up to me that Bullsnake would have been the new proud owner of a Nitro, period !!

Mark Maderos said:
Dez forgot to mention that I had him crying like a school girl when I broke out the Doug Hannon snake bait later in the day. That was some of the funniest stuff I had seen in a while. I wasn't sure if it was poisonous or non poisonous initially. Poked it a few times with the flipping stick, got no big reaction from it and the head wasn't triangular shaped. So I figured it for just a BIG non poisonous snake and flipped it out of the boat. Poor Dez was off his game after that.



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