Washington Fishing

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Two of our regulars posters here, Chad Simon and Ron Hobbs Jr, are first and second respectively in points for the NW Bass AOY race.

To be leaders in points in the toughest circuit in the state is an accomplishment. It also says something about the quality of fishermen helping us out here at WaFish.

I hope they both do well in Tri-Cities this weekend.

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Hey man....ya gotta do what your gut tells you to.....it very easily could have been different....like you could have culled up to 21 lbs and made it back in time. noone would have known but you how you got it...if it worked out....Unfortunately, the lead foot ended up telling on you ! We noticed you weren't going real fast on your way up ....now we know why. Sorry it didn't work out....

Ronald Hobbs, Jr. said:
Ran out of gas 5 minutes from the ramp. We made a gamble and the only regret was running the boat at too high of rpm to not have enough gas to get back to weigh in. It is a lessoned learned. We ended up getting towed back after weigh in from Abbott and Flowers, thanks guys. We ended weighing our fish in after the awards we had 15.58. Too bad it didn't count, would've put us in tenth for the day, keeping us in the AOY race. Mike and I made an 1.5 hour run at the end of the day to fish for 40 minutes way up river. It panned out and we culled 3 fish. What didn't pann out was the gas thing. We both have no regrets and would probably do it all over again. We the 0 for this tournament it takes us out of the running.
Thanks Jeff, Wolsky and I have no remorse over it we are actually pretty pleased with our performance especially after our primary area didn't pan out.

Jeff Grimes said:
Hey man....ya gotta do what your gut tells you to.....it very easily could have been different....like you could have culled up to 21 lbs and made it back in time. noone would have known but you how you got it...if it worked out....Unfortunately, the lead foot ended up telling on you ! We noticed you weren't going real fast on your way up ....now we know why. Sorry it didn't work out....

Ronald Hobbs, Jr. said:
Ran out of gas 5 minutes from the ramp. We made a gamble and the only regret was running the boat at too high of rpm to not have enough gas to get back to weigh in. It is a lessoned learned. We ended up getting towed back after weigh in from Abbott and Flowers, thanks guys. We ended weighing our fish in after the awards we had 15.58. Too bad it didn't count, would've put us in tenth for the day, keeping us in the AOY race. Mike and I made an 1.5 hour run at the end of the day to fish for 40 minutes way up river. It panned out and we culled 3 fish. What didn't pann out was the gas thing. We both have no regrets and would probably do it all over again. We the 0 for this tournament it takes us out of the running.
Hey Ron,
If it makes you feel any better, my prop fell off and our tournament was over at 9:30 AM. Still fished all day, just on anchor. Had about 10 lbs. but didn't want to stress our fish (released around area caught). We chose not to weigh in, as we're not in the hunt for AOY. I guess my backup plan didn't include a spare prop. I'll definitely fix that problem for next time.
Gotta say Tito and i were alot closer to running out of gas then he knows and really sorry to hear that Ron and Mike, that does suck. We ran up to the reach and fished untill about 11 and only had one small fish so we said lets try some of our spots down and so down we went. Did find some great fish but by the time we did we didnt have the time left to fish them. Did get one of the about 5 or 6 fish in the small area and it was a 4.72. If we had time (and that damn guy with his radio controled gas powered little noisy ass hydro plane would have left) I am sure we could have got them fish off the beds. Three smallies in the 2.5-3.5 range. And 3 largies two over 5 and one about 3 or so. Learn some new stuff so that is always great. Best of luck to you all at Potholes.

so to you guys that ran downriver how bad was it? I wanted to go down there but in my tracker i would have had bloody kidneys for sure.

It was gnarly downstream! I have seen it worse out there before but there were 4-6 footers everywhere and the occasional outsized roller. I really wanted to make it West of the Walla Walla as I have some areas that produce really good fish in June most years but I couldn't make it. I tried as hard as I could to get down there and ended up turning around 4 times! I feel kind of dumb for trying so hard to make it somewhere that I knew I couldn't! Running upstream probably was a way better call knowing how windy it was. Casey's was as far as I could make it and we only got a couple small fish in there. Managed a 3.5 on a current break adjacent to a flat south of the mouth of the Snake on my second cast of the day and thought it was on. Not quite! We lost two or three decent fish which hurt a little but really couldn't get on them most of the day and ended up with a little less than 7 lbs. Rough day but I learned a lot!

Sorry to hear about your misfortunes Ron, Mike, and Ben..That really sucks!

Congrats to all who did well!! It was a pretty brutal day (especially downstream) out there!

troy kelly said:
so to you guys that ran downriver how bad was it? I wanted to go down there but in my tracker i would have had bloody kidneys for sure.



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