Washington Fishing

The Online Source for Washington Fishing Information

Proposed Lead Ban for select Washington Lakes---Guys we had better get involved!!!

To all,
WDFW is proposing a lead ban on select lakes in our state. The proposal reads as follows:
"This proposal would make it unlawful to use lead weights weighing less than one half ounce or lead jigs measuring less than 1 1/2 inches in the following freshwater lakes:
Ferry Lake, Swan Lake and Long Lake (Ferry County), Pierre Lake (Stevens County), Big Meadow Lake, Yocum Lake and South Skookum Lake (Pend Oreillie County), Lost Lake, Blue Lake and Bonaparte Lake (Okanogan County), Calligan Lake, Hancock Lake (King County) and Lake Hozomeen (Whatcom County)."
"Common loons are currently state listed as a sensitive species with significant questions as to the species population status. Washington has both breeding populations and wintering populations of common loons. Ingestion of small lead fishing gear has been identified as on the major causes of loon mortality in WA. Lead toxicosis from fishing tackle was responsible for mortalities in 39% of common loon carcasses recovered in Washington from 1996-2008. Over the past few years, an increasing number of manufactures have begun offering for sale lead-free sinkers and jigs. this is an incremental step in reducing the availability of lead to loons and the proposal is restricted to lake in Washington where we have documented common loon breeding."
Testimony can be sent to:
Lori.Preuss@dfw.wa.gov, by fax to 360 902-2155 (Attention: WDFW Rules Coordinator) or by regular mail to the WDFFW rules Coordinator at 600 Capital Way N, Olympia Wa 98504 Must be received by December 1.

My gut tells me that this proposal, if adopted, could be expanded in the future to encompass a larger geographic area than what is currently proposed. Further I have concerns as to what a "Lead Jig" actually is? Would this include spinner baits, chatter baits, on and on? Also, is the science complete? Lots of questions. At any rate, discuss it among yourselves and feel free to offer constructive guidance to the folks at WDFW.
One other note, the WDFW Fisheries Dept. did not propose this. It was actually proposed by the bio's in the game department.
Also, apologies for my typo's I will try to type slower next post.

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I sent a link to this thread, and that artical to our governer.

Panic Minnow said:
Here is an excellent article on the subject, which has happened in the Canadian Provincial Parks......

This article will fire you up a bit...... pisses me off when the few select are making decisions for the masses based upon misinformation.
Great article. I retract my statment of how we will adapt. It pisses me off to have a lier attacking my interest.

Panic Minnow said:
Here is an excellent article on the subject, which has happened in the Canadian Provincial Parks......

This article will fire you up a bit...... pisses me off when the few select are making decisions for the masses based upon misinformation.
Thanks for the clarification. Time to prepare a letter.

Jon Sessler said:
This is a State issue, so you are better off contacting your local State Rep and State Senator, not Cantwell and Murray.

islandbass said:
I won't stand for that, but will writing letters to our two Senators really help? What can all of us do as a group to effectively challenge this? What other recourse is there Joe citizen?


I commend you for your past efforts. Thank you.

Since tournament season is over, and you have nothing to do, I nominate you to write us a template we can copy and email to our state legistators, and the WDFW! I'll help with a list of email addresses that we'll need to send our "testimonies" to.

- j.boomer

P.S. I probably lost my invitation to the L. Lake fish-off in 2010 for that time comment... But Innocenti will vote for my re-instatement.
This will be a major topic at the WSBF meeting this Saturday in Spokane. This is the kind of thing that can become a state-wide rule. And the thought of tungston weighted, $30 spinner baits is not appealing at all.
A 1 seagull that was near death on Potholes with fishing line wrapped around it's legs ect, and with a hook in it's mouth. I had to dispatch it, and cut the line off it so the other birds wouldn't get tangled. Another reason I try as hard as I can to not leave line in/on/over the water, including line I see already there that others have left. And some people have said they cast line and bait at birds just to catch them and make them suffer.
UNBELIEVABLE ! IS CORRECT JON .. !! Something smells fishy is PETA behind this ?

Jon Sessler said:
I Googled Loons Washington Lead, and found the report titled, "Washington State Status Report for the Common Loon".
Here is an excerpt from this report, from page 20.
Several additional common loons have fallen victim to fishing gear in Washington. In September,1971, a dead adult was found at Hozomeen Lake with monofilament line wrapped around its neck(R. Kuntz, pers. comm.). In July 1973, a loon was found dead, entangled in fishing line, at afreeway pond near Ellensburg, Kittitas County (Central Washington University Museum numberCWU 1368). In April 1975, a common loon drowned in a gill net downstream of Grand Coulee Dam, Okanogan County (Burke Museum number 32949). In August 1990, a common loon became entangled in a fishing line on Loon Lake, Stevens County (S. Zender, pers. comm.). It was successfully untangled and left the lake 3 days later. In November 1990, an emaciated common loon was found dead with fishing line around its beak on Benson Lake, Mason County (Slater Museum number PSM 12348). In June 1997, a loon was rescued (but died in captivity) near Westport, Grays Harbor County, with a fish hook in its throat (Slater Museum number PSM22167).

To recap, since 1971 ( 38 years) there have been 5 Loon deaths attributed to fishing gear. This is the report that they are citing as their reason to ban lead. UNBELIEVABLE.
Guys, believe me this really is a trojan horse. It is dressed up to look like it will help loons, and there is precedence in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Canada to make it seem legitimate. Add to this misinformation about lead toxicity, and you have a game plan that has a high probability of success for passing rules that restrict fishing. The goal of those pushing this is to keep you off "their" lakes, plain and simple.

They already stated they wanted this for the whole state. They backed down under pressure, so their second attack was to pick lakes that none of us will likely care about. Then the camel has his nose under the tent, and the next thing you know the whole camel is inside with us.

We have to fight this. For every inch that the enemy gains, we lose a mile. They get this passed, then they ban lead statewide like they did in Vermont and New Hampshire.

This is wrong, even for a single lake. I like loons; I support keeping loons healthy; but I do not support using loons to achieve hidden agendas. We need to let the WDFW know we will not stand for this. Thank you for getting involved!


Jon Sessler said:
I Googled Loons Washington Lead, and found the report titled, "Washington State Status Report
for the Common Loon".
Here is an excerpt from this report, from page 20.
Several additional common loons have fallen victim to fishing gear in Washington. In September,1971, a dead adult was found at Hozomeen Lake with monofilament line wrapped around its neck(R. Kuntz, pers. comm.). In July 1973, a loon was found dead, entangled in fishing line, at afreeway pond near Ellensburg, Kittitas County (Central Washington University Museum numberCWU 1368). In April 1975, a common loon drowned in a gill net downstream of Grand Coulee Dam, Okanogan County (Burke Museum number 32949). In August 1990, a common loon became entangled in a fishing line on Loon Lake, Stevens County (S. Zender, pers. comm.). It was successfully untangled and left the lake 3 days later. In November 1990, an emaciated common loon was found dead with fishing line around its beak on Benson Lake, Mason County (Slater Museum number PSM 12348). In June 1997, a loon was rescued (but died in captivity) near Westport, Grays Harbor County, with a fish hook in its throat (Slater Museum number PSM22167).

To recap, since 1971 ( 38 years) there have been 5 Loon deaths attributed to fishing gear. This is the report that they are citing as their reason to ban lead. UNBELIEVABLE.
BTW, we have all heard of the hysteria about how toxic lead is. Let me dispell some of the myths. There is no doubt that if you are in your formative years of growth, it is not good to eat lead; it will harm your development. But who eats lead? I am all for banning kids toys made with lead in the paint, but don't extend this to other aspects of life.

I have handled lead all my life. I make lead sinkers (www.QuickDropsWeights.com). I make lead jigs. I started by melting wheel weights, and for the past ten years I have done so commercially. I have reloaded shotshells for many years with lead shot. If lead were as dangerous as the media and public would lead you to believe, I would have been dead by age 20. All of the hysteria even got me thinking that maybe I was at risk for lead toxicity. So 3 months ago I consulted my doctor, and had my blood tested for lead. The results of the test showed no trace of lead in my body!

I will also point out that lead is a natural element. It occurs naturally in the environment. It forms a patena that prevents it from dissolving and causing toxicity. Lead can become a potential problem when an acid attacks the lead and puts it into solution. Ingesting lead weights puts the lead in contact with acids that can cause toxicity. The point is, lead is not the horrible poison that the public has been told. It serves many useful and needed purposes, so let's stop the hysteria.


Marc Marcantonio said:
Guys, believe me this really is a trojan horse. It is dressed up to look like it will help loons, and there is precedence in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Canada to make it seem legitimate. Add to this misinformation about lead toxicity, and you have a game plan that has a high probability of success for passing rules that restrict fishing. The goal of those pushing this is to keep you off "their" lakes, plain and simple.

They already stated they wanted this for the whole state. They backed down under pressure, so their second attack was to pick lakes that none of us will likely care about. Then the camel has his nose under the tent, and the next thing you know the whole camel is inside with us.

We have to fight this. For every inch that the enemy gains, we lose a mile. They get this passed, then they ban lead statewide like they did in Vermont and New Hampshire.

This is wrong, even for a single lake. I like loons; I support keeping loons healthy; but I do not support using loons to achieve hidden agendas. We need to let the WDFW know we will not stand for this. Thank you for getting involved!


Jon Sessler said:
I Googled Loons Washington Lead, and found the report titled, "Washington State Status Report
for the Common Loon".
Here is an excerpt from this report, from page 20.
Several additional common loons have fallen victim to fishing gear in Washington. In September,1971, a dead adult was found at Hozomeen Lake with monofilament line wrapped around its neck(R. Kuntz, pers. comm.). In July 1973, a loon was found dead, entangled in fishing line, at afreeway pond near Ellensburg, Kittitas County (Central Washington University Museum numberCWU 1368). In April 1975, a common loon drowned in a gill net downstream of Grand Coulee Dam, Okanogan County (Burke Museum number 32949). In August 1990, a common loon became entangled in a fishing line on Loon Lake, Stevens County (S. Zender, pers. comm.). It was successfully untangled and left the lake 3 days later. In November 1990, an emaciated common loon was found dead with fishing line around its beak on Benson Lake, Mason County (Slater Museum number PSM 12348). In June 1997, a loon was rescued (but died in captivity) near Westport, Grays Harbor County, with a fish hook in its throat (Slater Museum number PSM22167).

To recap, since 1971 ( 38 years) there have been 5 Loon deaths attributed to fishing gear. This is the report that they are citing as their reason to ban lead. UNBELIEVABLE.
I havent read it yet, but here it is so you can all read along. 2000 WDFW Loon report!

No, PETA is not directly behind this, however, there are certainly public groups that would like to see a statewide ban on the use of any lead at all. The fact is that this proposal originated within the walls of the Wa. State Game Dept.
I offer this update:
The Federation Nation and T.B.F. have been alerted and are taking steps to garner support within their organizations both at a local and national level. I will be drafting a letter on behalf of NWB and ABA. (After I call Larry to get his permission) The Walleye organization will be contacted in the a.m.. Additionally, I will be takling to the head of the Washington's Warm Waters Fishing Dept. sometime tomorrow.

The Inland Fish Policy Group will be meeting on the 14th of November. This proposal will certainly be a topic. All in all we are moving pretty quickly in response to this issue. Again, I encourage all of you to give well thought out testimony in the way of an e-mail or fax to the person or location I mentioned in my first post. Remember, your written testimony will become a matter of public record.
One more thing, I am so very impressed with all of you guys and the passion that you show our great sport. It's no wonder that we in the Northwest are viewed with such admiration by the angling public throughout the rest of the country.
BigBass Dez said:
UNBELIEVABLE ! IS CORRECT JON .. !! Something smells fishy is PETA behind this ?

Jon Sessler said:
I Googled Loons Washington Lead, and found the report titled, "Washington State Status Report for the Common Loon".
Here is an excerpt from this report, from page 20.
Several additional common loons have fallen victim to fishing gear in Washington. In September,1971, a dead adult was found at Hozomeen Lake with monofilament line wrapped around its neck(R. Kuntz, pers. comm.). In July 1973, a loon was found dead, entangled in fishing line, at afreeway pond near Ellensburg, Kittitas County (Central Washington University Museum numberCWU 1368). In April 1975, a common loon drowned in a gill net downstream of Grand Coulee Dam, Okanogan County (Burke Museum number 32949). In August 1990, a common loon became entangled in a fishing line on Loon Lake, Stevens County (S. Zender, pers. comm.). It was successfully untangled and left the lake 3 days later. In November 1990, an emaciated common loon was found dead with fishing line around its beak on Benson Lake, Mason County (Slater Museum number PSM 12348). In June 1997, a loon was rescued (but died in captivity) near Westport, Grays Harbor County, with a fish hook in its throat (Slater Museum number PSM22167).

To recap, since 1971 ( 38 years) there have been 5 Loon deaths attributed to fishing gear. This is the report that they are citing as their reason to ban lead. UNBELIEVABLE.
Thanks Gary ,

Where do i need to send my testimony , I can get this done asap !! ooo geez did i just assign myself some homework ! wow life can be very funny at times ! lol Just post the email or address and i will submit it monday morning !! I do take this matter to heart !!

Gary Stiles said:
No, PETA is not directly behind this, however, there are certainly public groups that would like to see a statewide ban on the use of any lead at all. The fact is that this proposal originated within the walls of the Wa. State Game Dept.
I offer this update:
The Federation Nation and T.B.F. have been alerted and are taking steps to garner support within their organizations both at a local and national level. I will be drafting a letter on behalf of NWB and ABA. (After I call Larry to get his permission) The Walleye organization will be contacted in the a.m.. Additionally, I will be takling to the head of the Washington's Warm Waters Fishing Dept. sometime tomorrow.

The Inland Fish Policy Group will be meeting on the 14th of November. This proposal will certainly be a topic. All in all we are moving pretty quickly in response to this issue. Again, I encourage all of you to give well thought out testimony in the way of an e-mail or fax to the person or location I mentioned in my first post. Remember, your written testimony will become a matter of public record.
One more thing, I am so very impressed with all of you guys and the passion that you show our great sport. It's no wonder that we in the Northwest are viewed with such admiration by the angling public throughout the rest of the country.
BigBass Dez said:
UNBELIEVABLE ! IS CORRECT JON .. !! Something smells fishy is PETA behind this ?

Jon Sessler said:
I Googled Loons Washington Lead, and found the report titled, "Washington State Status Report for the Common Loon".
Here is an excerpt from this report, from page 20.
Several additional common loons have fallen victim to fishing gear in Washington. In September,1971, a dead adult was found at Hozomeen Lake with monofilament line wrapped around its neck(R. Kuntz, pers. comm.). In July 1973, a loon was found dead, entangled in fishing line, at afreeway pond near Ellensburg, Kittitas County (Central Washington University Museum numberCWU 1368). In April 1975, a common loon drowned in a gill net downstream of Grand Coulee Dam, Okanogan County (Burke Museum number 32949). In August 1990, a common loon became entangled in a fishing line on Loon Lake, Stevens County (S. Zender, pers. comm.). It was successfully untangled and left the lake 3 days later. In November 1990, an emaciated common loon was found dead with fishing line around its beak on Benson Lake, Mason County (Slater Museum number PSM 12348). In June 1997, a loon was rescued (but died in captivity) near Westport, Grays Harbor County, with a fish hook in its throat (Slater Museum number PSM22167).

To recap, since 1971 ( 38 years) there have been 5 Loon deaths attributed to fishing gear. This is the report that they are citing as their reason to ban lead. UNBELIEVABLE.


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