Washington Fishing

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A WDFW Region 4 team is now doing lake surveys to identify a suitable lake north of Seattle for tiger muskies.   At this time, Samish Lake appears to be the leading candidate, but it's premature to say it -- or any lake -- will be determined suitable.  Stevens Lake is also on WDFW's radar, along with a couple other unnameds.  If a suitable lake is found, WDFW's current timeline for the initial stocking is spring of 2014.  

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Any lake up north would be a benefit to the fishery. I've been bs'n with a few of the WDFW bios,I know its a long shot due to tribal politics and god knows what else but I still would like to see Mason Lake receive a plant. The squawfish population is HUGE in there,infact,WDFW could dump 5 fingerling tigers in there and in six weeks those fish would be potential state records. The tigers wouldn't even have to swim...just sit and eat but the downside is they would be dead in a year from juvenile diabetes.

On a more serious note, if and when a new lake is cleared to receive tigers,would WDFW up production of its current rate? or divide it up amongst what is already available? or unknown?

If its "premature" why is it being brought up? WDFW has been talking about Samish for like 2 years now. It isn't anything the musky community hasn't already known about. But thanks for the info I guess? Now get out there and fish!  Todd

Todd, I'm bringing it up now because WDFW is finally taking action on this.  That's a major change.  The lake surveys are underway and WDFW seems committed to the 2014 timetable.  Is it a sure thing?  Not until the fish are in the lake.  But this project is now moving ahead, and that's what we've been waiting for.

Don, Thanx for the update.

Yes, many of us that are active in the musky fishing community are aware of Lk Sammish being a probable musky lake but many more outside of the musky clubs are not aware so your post is appreciated. Keep us posted.


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