Washington Fishing

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The last data I posted was for 2017, so I'll start with 2018.

2018 - Merwin 2110, Mayfield 1125, Tapps 594, Newman 600, Curlew 225, Silver 250, Evergreen 361, total 5204

2019 - Merwin 1500, Mayfield 800, Tapps 850, Newman 400, Curlew 225, Silver 200, Evergreen 300, total 4275

2020 - Merwin 1600, Mayfield 900, Tapps 1200, Newman 662, Curlew, 250, Silver 250, Evergreen 300, total 5162

2021 - Merwin 1600, Mayfield 900, Tapps 1200, Newman 650, Curlew 250, Silver 250, Evergreen 300, total 5150

2022 - Merwin 1600, Mayfield 850, Tapps 1100, Newman 600, Curlew 250, Silver 250, Evergreen 300, total 4950

2023 - Merwin 2020, Mayfield 1000, Tapps 1181, Newman 1000, Curlew 250, Silver 437, Evergreen 350, total 6238

2024 - Not available yet

Fingerlings are a year old and about 15 inches in length when stocked. WDFW estimates one-third survive the first year in the lake, and attrition is about 33% per year thereafter. Tiger muskies have a typical lifespan of 6-8 years.

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Hey Don, been too long my friend. First of all, we appreciate your information and you've been such a great steward for this fishery. Not going to lie, I have rarely fished let alone targeted muskies in several years. Not for the lack of desire. Just another fellow with a full plate of life between work, home projects and raising a happy boy and happy girl, however, it's time to knock the dust off the gear in the garage and get back out there.... with the family in tow of course. I don't know the numbers but did see photos and video of Tapps receiving it's 2024 planting, I can only "assume" the rest of the lake(s) received their plantings as well. 

Anyhow, I really wanted you to know that you are appreciated and I always respected the fact that you reached out during the MI57/CMA debacle as a neutral port. Thank you!

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad to hear there was a 2024 planting. The spreadsheet WDFW sent me was blank for this year. It's gotten harder to get information since Bruce Bolding retired.

Getting out on the water is harder, too. I turned 78 this spring and I'm slowing down. A fishing trip is a lot of work, and my energy level isn't what it used to be, but I'm not throwing in the towel yet. I expect to be back at Merwin this fall. 


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