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Don't miss your limited chance to get in on a new product that Bass Angler Magazine is behind.

BAM's Editor-in-Chief stated, " This is a revolutionary product that can change the way we fish forever. I don't think you can call it a lure or plug. I see it as a data collecting device that can help any angler further their knowledge. I see just the video part of being able to record underwater footage is amazing, let alone the ambient light meter and temperature gauge. Image sharing the video of a fish eating the lure-another incredible aspect? It's only $150 to get one and that includes the software. I'm all in and look forward to being a part of fishing history.

There is little more than three weeks to a get a piece of this game-changer in the bass fishing industry.
To find out more visit the Fish Nature Lure (FNL) website. Don't delay less than 30 days to a possible launch.
Watch a video here.


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I would be more impressed flushing that thing down my toilet to see where all my poo poo goes. I've always wonder what the ambient light is in my septic tank...


I'll pass

T-Bone "ARE YOU KIDDING ME"? How about looking at the positive side of a new innovative product instead of bashing it.

I gotta agree with the Boner on this one. Watched the video and was less than impressed, I would like to see the ACTUAL video that thing produces.  The guy kinda creeped me out too. 

It almost sounds like some kind of scheme to get you to invest.  I will pass too.

This is right up there with the lateral perch.....


or the Banjo Minnow.....

Jon Sessler said:

This is right up there with the lateral perch.....


Only $173,000 more to be pledge until FNL hit $175,000 goal.  Jon - this might be good investment for diverse portfolio.

I can see how you guys would be skeptical. I don't see it as any type of gimmick otherwise I wouldn't bother. As you might Imagine I get calls and emails about the next best thing all the time and I have a garage full of samples. 

I see this device differently than whats shown on the kickstart site.  My view is, as a research device, a lure that dives underwater and can record what happened, water temp, ambient light and video. 

Think about the guy in a float tube or one the bank that can make a couple casts and see what was under water plus the temp.  Make a couple casts on a rocky point on Columbia and see if there are big smallies there without going home and loading the video on your computer. You get this info uploaded to your iPhone wireless via Bluetooth technology.

I see an underwater research device software and device for about $150 which intrigues me.  But it's ok if you don't see it the way i do.  Thanks for reading

Good question... these guys have spent about 500k in development costs already and I believe they have the wobbling problem addressed but I will check on that.

Do you know how many fish I have looked at with an Aquaview that don't bite? Seeing does not equate to catching....


thanks for the advice Kimihiko

One of the things I've learned over the years is my cell phone and water don't mix. I'll stick with my DVD Aquaview for underwater data collecting

Interesting, and I can certainly see where there are endless possibilities in the future. Its a shame all fish aren't caught on crankbaits. It appears they have quite a ways to go to have a truly viable product, that would "Revolutionize" fishing. It appears the real value comes if the unit gets bit. Selling a gadget that gives water temps and ambient light across all levels of the water column and displaying a graph on my iphone would be more useful. It appears the iphone software is similar to other programs in what it delivers to the angler. The fight effort calculation is interesting, but is of little value to an angler,.....it appears more scientific tool, that will catch more anglers than fish.


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