Washington Fishing

The Online Source for Washington Fishing Information

We all want our season to go smoothly, but there is always something, we didn’t plan that just happens. Let’s hear about your 2009 blooper, here is mine.

My 2009 fishing blunder came during the second day of the Jamboree on Banks Lake. I was casting a lucky craft Lv 100 down a wind blown bank in search of my first fish of the morning. The wind was picking up and the lake was getting a little lumpy. My next cast got caught on some under water weeds and as I ripped it free, my first fish grab the lure. It wasn’t a monster, but it measured and in the live well it went. Like all anglers on the hunt during a tournament. Your first instinct is to make another cast back to the same spot in hopes of another fish and maybe the start of a pattern. The wind and waves were really bouncing me around as I fired another cast down the shoreline to the same spot. On my retrieve I just started ripping it back to the boat….bam….a 3 plus smallie inhaled it. While playing the fish to the net, I am thinking, I am on fish now and they want this bait. The wind was pushing me into the bank, but I thought I could get in one more cast before having to repositioning the boat. (here comes the blooper)
My Champion has a cutout all the way up to the front deck and butt seat, so I have to step up to my seat and foot pedal. In a hurry to get the lure back in the water. With my Loomis rod in one hand, I grabbed the butt seat with my slimy left hand to help steady my movement. As I graded the seat a wave shifted my balanced and my wet slimy hand couldn’t hold on to the seat. I sensed I was headed overboard, but with one last desperation grab for the seat from behind, I caught the corner of the seat and was able to swing my motion back into the boat. Now, I was going to land in the boat on my other rods. To help break my fall I had to let go of my new Loomis rod.
Crash, bang, boom…..O-man did that hurt as I hit the lower deck. More embarrassed then anything else and no broken bones, I got back on my feet to check the damage. Wow, no broken rods……then it hit me……Son of a "B".....where’s my Loomis rod!
Another angler close bye came over to check on me and see if I was alright. He said that my rod went over, he showed where he thought it went over and I sent a marker buoy into the water.
To make a very long story shorter. After 3 1/2 hours of casting lead headed treble hooks, dragging an anchor, pulling in a ton of weedsoff the bottom, fellow angers that came along would also make a cast or two trying to snag the rod and then seriously thinking about just letting it go to the fish gods. :( I decided to ran up lake to see if I could borrow an under water camera from one of my fellow club members.
After about another hour of camera work I decided to make one last pass with the camera. After 4 1/2 hours, you can’t imagine what it feels like seeing a tip and two guides sticking out of a pile of weeds on the bottom. I was able to retrieve my $3oo plus out fit and let me tell you that feeling was like landing a monster bass. :)
During a tournament I am always looking at the clock, checking what time is left and what’s my next move. I really though my day was done, the wind had died and I missed the good bit I had going. On my way back to the boat launch with about a half hour before weigh-in, I decided to stop on a point that I had caught fish on before. A half a dozen cast later and I filled out my limit.
The lesson I learned that day was to always be safe and never give-up hope.

I hope you enjoyed my 2009 blooper and please have a safe and happy holidays.
See you on the water~~~~~~~~~~><))))))’>~~~~~~~~~~~ Gary

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Which of the 3 or 4 do want to hear?

In all the years that I've stuck myself with a hook, I did it 3 or 4 times in 2009. Too many times to even remember how many times this year. And only once in all the years before 2009.

Once the hook went in and came out, DARN slimy trout! Had to cut the pointy end and barb off and pull the remaining shaft out. Altho I didn't have dykes in the boat and so removed the hook from the crankbait from the split ring and kept on fishing for a few hours until I worked my way back to the boat launch. At that time a guy was launching his boat and I borrowed dykes from him, then went back to fishing. :-)

Then I had a thought, looked in the tool box and guess what? I had dykes in there. Oh well.

Twice I even had to do the fancy 'loop fishing line around the hook and pull' technique. OUCH!
i was fishing liberty lake this summer. i was bouncing around the lake like crazy looking for the fish. i called a buddy and he told me to go hit a spot. i went to the spot and started casting. the wind was blowing pretty good now. and as i was trying to keep the boat in a local area, i must have tapped the trolling motor at the same time a rogue wave was passing by. i fell off my boat and some how hit everything on the way down. i managed to catch my self with my arms and legs just leaving my butt in the water. that lasted about 3 seconds then splash i went the rest of the way in. i had my smokes, cell phone, not a cheap one but a palm in my pocket. by the way it is still working. i got back and the boat and was so upset cause i lost one of my sperry flip flops. as i was driving away with my head down i threw my other flip flop in the water. it floated. so now i really feel like an ass because i had to go pick up both my flip flops. oh well. i caught fish that day.
well mine was probly when i was fishing with one of my old fishing buds. we where at the rock island ponds this spring and were on a really good jerkbait pattern. Me and him were casting within a few ft of eachother and he swung back to cast and all of a sudden i felt this intense pain and pressure in my left side of ma upper back. he stopped to see wat happen, and i had a flippin 5 inch jerkbait dangling out of ma back. i screamed and said words..lots of em haha. Out of the 3 sets of trebles, two of em had hooks past the barb in me. But he looked at me with a half grin and aked, You know wat i half to do right?? I was like uh ya sure, so he took his needlenose pliers and within a split second ripped the hooks out. I screamed again along with some words and for some odd reason it barely even bled. I shruggd it off and kept fishing haha.

Ok so there's this guy, let's call him uh...ok let's call him Dez! And we're out on Lake Stevens shooting this video, which i'm already nervous as hell about doing. So we pull up on this spot and I jump up on front and drop the trolling motor, and grab my topwater rod with a Sammy on it, and Dez jumps up on the opposite side of me and is rigged with a Sammy as well. I make my first cast, and just about the time the bait hits the water, I get the sudden sensation of some one smacking me in the back of the head with a brick, and the accompanying sound that goes along with it. My eyes fade to black, my hat goes flying off into the water, and I somehow manage to land on the front deck of my boat and not overboard into the water! :) After collecting what's left of my thoughts, I realize that in a desperate attempt to sabotage my video experience, and take control of my vessel, Dez, has billy clubbed me in the back of the head with his Sammy! I still don't know how, not a single hook managed to drive itself home in my skull, but I think it was Dez's casting ability which allowed him to make sure that all 3 sets of treble hooks were facing the opposite direction at the point of impact. The rest of the day was relatively uneventful but that one was one for the books! Thank god the camera wasn't rolling at the time!!!! Sorry Dez, I know we swore to secrecy, but I just had to get my story out to someone! p.s. in fairness I should point out that I had a trip to Banks with my wife, where I hooked her in the hand with a crankbait, which required a hospital trip and a tetanus shot, but like a trooper she went back out with me again afterwards, where i proceeded to hit her in the head with a senko, that one didn't stick, but that was enough for her, and our trip was officially over! :)
Dave , you swore ! you promised ! ahhh man now the drinking is gonna start again ! lol .. Okay now that you have made this public , im now required to give you public appology bro ! IM FREAKING SORRY MAN !! godbless you for being hard headed !

Okay now that i have got that out of the way , are you gonna start a thread about my honey holes next ..lmao !! Did it dude , i deserve it !
David- You should have gotten ahold of me before you went out with that maniac. Its like a war zone fishing with this clown. You almost need to wear a helmet and pads just to feel safe.

Wait till he takes control of your boat. He throws the front butt seat in the water.

WHERE IS MY SEAT DEZ????? Not everyone wants to stand and move around like a crackhead all day.

David Watkins said:
Ok so there's this guy, let's call him uh...ok let's call him Dez! And we're out on Lake Stevens shooting this video, which i'm already nervous as hell about doing. So we pull up on this spot and I jump up on front and drop the trolling motor, and grab my topwater rod with a Sammy on it, and Dez jumps up on the opposite side of me and is rigged with a Sammy as well. I make my first cast, and just about the time the bait hits the water, I get the sudden sensation of some one smacking me in the back of the head with a brick, and the accompanying sound that goes along with it. My eyes fade to black, my hat goes flying off into the water, and I somehow manage to land on the front deck of my boat and not overboard into the water! :) After collecting what's left of my thoughts, I realize that in a desperate attempt to sabotage my video experience, and take control of my vessel, Dez, has billy clubbed me in the back of the head with his Sammy! I still don't know how, not a single hook managed to drive itself home in my skull, but I think it was Dez's casting ability which allowed him to make sure that all 3 sets of treble hooks were facing the opposite direction at the point of impact. The rest of the day was relatively uneventful but that one was one for the books! Thank god the camera wasn't rolling at the time!!!! Sorry Dez, I know we swore to secrecy, but I just had to get my story out to someone! p.s. in fairness I should point out that I had a trip to Banks with my wife, where I hooked her in the hand with a crankbait, which required a hospital trip and a tetanus shot, but like a trooper she went back out with me again afterwards, where i proceeded to hit her in the head with a senko, that one didn't stick, but that was enough for her, and our trip was officially over! :)
NO MEANS NO ! Some learn the hard way !! and for the record seats are for trout and catfisherman ! And you dont want me to leak the "restroom" story .. Lets just say the door was locked but that didnt stop you now did it ? lol
Well... This is kinda embarrassing but, I'm sharing it anyways. Hopefully you get a laugh.

So it was a sunny, hot day bassin' out at Liberty lake. It was me, my brother, and my dad. We were about to head out from the launch in our little blue 14' 1959 Texas boat. So my brother had already got on the boat, and I was next to get in. I was holding onto the boat, when it started to drift away. about 5 seconds later, I am completely stretched out, hands on boat, feet caught on the dock, and I am trying to pull the boat back in. I looked down, and I could see the bottom, but I had my sunglasses on so I had no idea on how deep it was. The next thing I know, my feet slip, and I'm sent flying into the water. Luckily the water was only about 4.5' deep! I walked up to the side of the dock and pulled myself up. I was drenched. I had my wallet on me, my keys, everything. Luckily nothing was lost an I was not hurt. I had to dry out my wallet once we got home, and dry out my pliers, keys, and everything else. I had two good things happen that day though, I did catch fish, and I was cooled off pretty well for a while!!!
Great story David…...I personally know what it feels like to get slapped along side the head with a crankbait. I would think Dez, should have something very special under the Christmas tree for you this year. You know something to keep you from flinching every time he cast when you guys fish together.

David Watkins said:
Ok so there's this guy, let's call him uh...ok let's call him Dez! And we're out on Lake Stevens shooting this video, which i'm already nervous as hell about doing. So we pull up on this spot and I jump up on front and drop the trolling motor, and grab my topwater rod with a Sammy on it, and Dez jumps up on the opposite side of me and is rigged with a Sammy as well. I make my first cast, and just about the time the bait hits the water, I get the sudden sensation of some one smacking me in the back of the head with a brick, and the accompanying sound that goes along with it. My eyes fade to black, my hat goes flying off into the water, and I somehow manage to land on the front deck of my boat and not overboard into the water! :) After collecting what's left of my thoughts, I realize that in a desperate attempt to sabotage my video experience, and take control of my vessel, Dez, has billy clubbed me in the back of the head with his Sammy! I still don't know how, not a single hook managed to drive itself home in my skull, but I think it was Dez's casting ability which allowed him to make sure that all 3 sets of treble hooks were facing the opposite direction at the point of impact. The rest of the day was relatively uneventful but that one was one for the books! Thank god the camera wasn't rolling at the time!!!! Sorry Dez, I know we swore to secrecy, but I just had to get my story out to someone! p.s. in fairness I should point out that I had a trip to Banks with my wife, where I hooked her in the hand with a crankbait, which required a hospital trip and a tetanus shot, but like a trooper she went back out with me again afterwards, where i proceeded to hit her in the head with a senko, that one didn't stick, but that was enough for her, and our trip was officially over! :)
Hell go ahead and leak that story considering i was not the one who needed to use the restroom.

BigBass Dez said:
NO MEANS NO ! Some learn the hard way !! and for the record seats are for trout and catfisherman ! And you dont want me to leak the "restroom" story .. Lets just say the door was locked but that didnt stop you now did it ? lol
Mercer island now has "A WALL OF SHAME" ..lol

RFatt16 said:
Hell go ahead and leak that story considering i was not the one who needed to use the restroom.

BigBass Dez said:
NO MEANS NO ! Some learn the hard way !! and for the record seats are for trout and catfisherman ! And you dont want me to leak the "restroom" story .. Lets just say the door was locked but that didnt stop you now did it ? lol


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