Washington Fishing

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This is an awesome opportunity for someone to shine. I will set up Randy with baits and a rod to take home. I will also show up and send you guys off with snacks, lunch, water or what ever i can do to make this huge for Randy. 

So what ever we have to do i am 200% behind helping to make this happen. One thing though is if is to happen this weekend i need to know before Thursday because of NW BASS this Saturday. After Sunday i am free. So if we can wait until next week were golden. i can show up anytime.

Dan Johnson


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What an inspirational week...what started as my husband, Tom, being disturbed that he read Joanne's post, to my 12 year old son, Logan responding directly to Joanne's plea, and the countless others who have come together in such a short time, I would like to thank you all. Paul Shen was beyond amazing, not only as a fishing guide, but as a very, very, patient participant in my calling him for numerous details to make this happen. He is truly the unspoken, quiet hero of this venture. Dan Johnson met us in a parking lot to provide gear, a fishing pole, cap, and t-shirt for Randy. And Brian, showed up today with additional equipment for the rest of Randy's family...which made Milea's day!! She is the 11 year old sister who caught numerous fish, thanks to Brian's efforts!! It goes to show, the whole is bigger than the sum of the parts...as Paul and I just talked about, let's keep the momentum going!!!! Think about how to make a difference...to help out, with little effort, collectively gather to make a difference...let me know your thoughts, Janice Hoshino (Logan Little's Mom and Tom Little's wife....) Last, thank you to Trisha Manning-Smith and her cameraman for a wonderful, sensitive clip on the King 5. She is also an inspiration!!
wow guys. what you did is amazing! if i lived on the westside, i would have done this in a heartbeat! i give a big round of applause to everyone who made this happen!! great job guys!!
Well done to Kzoo, the little's, Brian bassguy, Jordan, Joanne, and everyone else who was instrumental in making this happen. I knew this community would make sure this day would become a success.

Just getting Randy out was epic....but to get him on some fish too is amazing!

Also Kudos to King 5 and the Seattle Times for covering a positive story in a time where negative press is everywhere.
This was one of the best days I have ever been involved in. Joanne, Randy, Malia are wonderful people and what a great feeling to see the smile on Randy's face reeling in a fish and for him to just be out there and at peace was wonderful. To all of you that help, the Little's, Paul Shen and the countless others that helped get gear and items to make this happen THANK YOU. I believe you made this young mans year, in Randy's words " i think fishing is my new favorite sport..or hobby.. what ever you want to call it.. it is great"

God bless you
They really did a great job.

Jake "The Snake" Anderson said:
Well done to Kzoo, the little's, Brian bassguy, Jordan, Joanne, and everyone else who was instrumental in making this happen. I knew this community would make sure this day would become a success.

Just getting Randy out was epic....but to get him on some fish too is amazing!

Also Kudos to King 5 and the Seattle Times for covering a positive story in a time where negative press is everywhere.
It is amazing what a few great people can do when they combine their pasion for the sport and their wilingness to help a stranger in need. I think too often we are afraid to get involved in situations like this for so many different reasons, but it appears that many individuals took action and unselfishly devoted their personal time and resources to someone in need. A stranger in need. I commend you for that, and you should be proud of your actions. Just my 2 cents.
I just can't find the words to tell you how much this has meant to my family and Randy. All of you are our hero's. You have given Randy a day that he was able to relax and forget about his cancer. You have given Malia and I memories that we will always cherish. You have also touched my daughter, Sondra, with your kindness and generosity. Randy and Malia loved fishing. Malia would have fished all day if she had the chance.

I want to thank Tom, Nancy and Logan Little for offering your boat and your time (I don't think this would have been possible without you), Paul (kzoo) for the amazing job helping Randy and fileting all our fish (they were delicious), Dan Johnson for all your gifts (I wish we could have met you), and Brian Walters for helping Malia with her fish and the beautiful fishing combo you gave her (she did not want to put it in the trunk and held it the whole way home). And last, but not least...Jordan Doucet for the T-shirts and hats and for creating this website. You have played a large part in our lives and we will never forget. I've never posted on a blog before and never expect anything like this to happen. You have a lot of amazing people on your site. Thank you for your donation to the Chris Elliott Fund. They have raised millions of dollars towards brain cancer research. They're advocates for our brain tumor families by providing the information and guidance for treatment and where the few brain tumor centers of excellence. I know that there will be a cure for brain cancer one day. Thank you ahead of time for being a part of that. Jordan, please tell me how I can get one of the bracelets with Randy's name on it and his tattoo saying "La vita e' bella", Italian for "Life is beautiful" to you. I don't know how to navigate these sites.

A group of strangers came together to make a huge difference in another stranger's live. It's unbelievable, but you did it!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Jordan Doucet said:
A year and a half ago when I created this website, I never would have thought that it would have this kind of affect on someone's life. What Paul, Bryan, the Littles, and Dan Johnson did today has made every second of creating, maintaining and moderating this website worth it. I can't explain the feeling I have to play a small part in Randy, Joanne and their families lives during this difficult time for them. I have made a donation to the Chris Elliot Fund http://www.chriselliottfund.org/index.html on behalf of the website. I encourage alll of you to do the same.
Joanne, If there is anything else we can do for Randy, you, or your family let us know. Fishing or none fishing related. We have people from all different backgrounds and professions that I am sure would be willing to help you out.
Tom, Nancy and Logan...I can't thank you enough for your kindness and hospitality. The food was great. You went above and beyond. I still emotional just thinking about this time. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Ok, now I'm really getting emotional. <3

Logan Little said:
What an inspirational week...what started as my husband, Tom, being disturbed that he read Joanne's post, to my 12 year old son, Logan responding directly to Joanne's plea, and the countless others who have come together in such a short time, I would like to thank you all. Paul Shen was beyond amazing, not only as a fishing guide, but as a very, very, patient participant in my calling him for numerous details to make this happen. He is truly the unspoken, quiet hero of this venture. Dan Johnson met us in a parking lot to provide gear, a fishing pole, cap, and t-shirt for Randy. And Brian, showed up today with additional equipment for the rest of Randy's family...which made Milea's day!! She is the 11 year old sister who caught numerous fish, thanks to Brian's efforts!! It goes to show, the whole is bigger than the sum of the parts...as Paul and I just talked about, let's keep the momentum going!!!! Think about how to make a difference...to help out, with little effort, collectively gather to make a difference...let me know your thoughts, Janice Hoshino (Logan Little's Mom and Tom Little's wife....) Last, thank you to Trisha Manning-Smith and her cameraman for a wonderful, sensitive clip on the King 5. She is also an inspiration!!
I forgot to thank Paul Shen for making a plywood ramp so Randy could walk on the boat with ease. He wants to be as independent as possible and walk whenever he can. It was a long day for him and he would never have been able to walk off the boat. We were able to wheel him off in the wheel chair. I don't know how we could have done it if not for that ramp. I'm still in awe of all of you guys (and gals).
Here is a slideshow of the pictures thanks to Joanne:

Find more photos like this on Washington Fishing
Seattle Times news story here:


Please consider making a donation to the Chris Elliott Fund in honor of Randy Saso-Shaw www.chriselliottfund.org to benefit Glioblastoma Brain Cancer Research.


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