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I have been throwing an inline double buzzer on my GLoomis MH spinnerbait rod with 15lb CXX flouro. My most awesome guide Dr Bess put me on my first buzzbait fish this year. I just never fished them that much before. The one I got came when I dragged the thing over a log and the LM pounced as soon as the bait re-entered the water. It was a GIANT (almost 3lbs)
What buzzbaits do you guys like? I have several different kinds but haven't used them all yet. Has anyone used the Cavitron yet? Has anyone used those little finesse style buzzbaits?
What combos do you guys like?
Single blade, in-line double blade, side by side double blade?
Black, White, Chartruese/White?
What about trailers? I know trailer hooks are highly recommended but what about a rubber trailer? Would it be a good idea to thread the trailer onto the trailer hook shank?
Rod and line?
Are there certain types of cover you think they work best around?

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That is awfully nice of you Tag. I will do that, unless I can find some before then. I'd rather buy my own, and then we can go out and toss them together. You'll need the ones you have someday right ? ;) Thanks !
Mark- I can assure you that Tag doesn't dream about single digit fish.

Mark Maderos said:
I think this was the other way around Tag, in your dream your landed the 7lb'er and then woke up.


Tag Watson said:
One morning in early October, I was meeting a friend and I got to the boat launch a little too early while it was still dark. I had some time to kill so I parked my truck by the edge of the ramp and illuminated the water with my headlights. I made a cast with a buzzbait and began retrieving it slowly right up the middle of the ramp. A 7 pounder ate the buzzer practically at my feet. I basically set the hook and it was on the beach. That woke me up in a hurry. I think buzzbaits are addictive because the bites can be so violent and explosive.
......and when Tag does have an occasional dream, it's usually about me and my "sausage parties"......

Mike Bess said:
Mark- I can assure you that Tag doesn't dream about single digit fish.

Mark Maderos said:
I think this was the other way around Tag, in your dream your landed the 7lb'er and then woke up.


Tag Watson said:
One morning in early October, I was meeting a friend and I got to the boat launch a little too early while it was still dark. I had some time to kill so I parked my truck by the edge of the ramp and illuminated the water with my headlights. I made a cast with a buzzbait and began retrieving it slowly right up the middle of the ramp. A 7 pounder ate the buzzer practically at my feet. I basically set the hook and it was on the beach. That woke me up in a hurry. I think buzzbaits are addictive because the bites can be so violent and explosive.
Has anyone used the River2Sea Crystal Buzz? The are double inline buzzer types and it seems very well constructed.
yessir, good buzzers

Eric DeLay said:
Has anyone used the River2Sea Crystal Buzz? The are double inline buzzer types and it seems very well constructed.
I love buzzbaits. Very first tournament on Silver Lake last year, Caught my very first tournament fish on a black Booyah clacker running it over the pads. Largemouth was 3.5lbs or so, not a giant, but thrilling to catch my very first tournament fish in my very first tournament! (Didn't catch anymore fish all weekend, so beginner's luck).
That fish is the one you see in my profile picture.

So, I have way to much confidence in that bait. Probably throw it way too much, way to early in the year, etc, but I love it!

I've had good luck with the chartreuse skirt, gold blade Booyah clacker buzzbait on Banks, working the reeds, in July/August. Got some ok 2.5lb or so largemouth on them. Can't seem to find the gold blade/chartreuse skirt very often, so I bought a few of them to keep.

Cast that buzzer out as far as you can, and engage the reel and start winding before the bait hits the water. I've had a few fish eat the bait as soon as it hit!

Still an FNG at this game, but I love the buzzbiat! They are killer and tons of fun to fish. I was throwing on a GLoomis SBR813 rod with 15-20lb Berkeley Big Game mono.

Gotta love buzzbaits!
I did use the Crystal Buzz a couple times last year. So far I am impressed. Great sound and solid construction. I need to run it some more, catch some more fish on it and figure out its nuances before it becomes a confidence buzzbait for me.
The buzzbaits they sell at Mardon on Potholes are made by FishAccent.


I think they are the same onese sold at Coulee Playland as well.

The floats take on water after 15 or so casts, so gotta reel faster or switch up at that point.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Thanks for looking that up Buck. I like that buzzbait. Last time I was at Mar Don's (3-4 yrs ago) I bought 5 of them so I still have a couple left. Now I know where to get more, and that new B-4 Buzz seems cool. I have never had a problem with the floats. Biggest problem with the bait is sometimes it lands upside down, but stop the retrieve for a second and it will float right side up.
I did catch a nice smallmouth on one when it was running upside down, and I hooked it in the tongue. I'm pretty sure the fish expired as later in the day someone told me a float tuber was towing around a 4 lb smallie, likely my fish that bled to death :(

Buck Brunner said:
The buzzbaits they sell at Mardon on Potholes are made by FishAccent.


I think they are the same onese sold at Coulee Playland as well.

The floats take on water after 15 or so casts, so gotta reel faster or switch up at that point.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Do you guys prefer the 1/4oz or the 3/8oz buzzbaits?
1/2 oz.

Joel Alinen said:
Do you guys prefer the 1/4oz or the 3/8oz buzzbaits?
ewwwwww, sausage parties, or is that sausage panties???


Mike Bess said:
......and when Tag does have an occasional dream, it's usually about me and my "sausage parties"......

Mike Bess said:
Mark- I can assure you that Tag doesn't dream about single digit fish.

Mark Maderos said:
I think this was the other way around Tag, in your dream your landed the 7lb'er and then woke up.


Tag Watson said:
One morning in early October, I was meeting a friend and I got to the boat launch a little too early while it was still dark. I had some time to kill so I parked my truck by the edge of the ramp and illuminated the water with my headlights. I made a cast with a buzzbait and began retrieving it slowly right up the middle of the ramp. A 7 pounder ate the buzzer practically at my feet. I basically set the hook and it was on the beach. That woke me up in a hurry. I think buzzbaits are addictive because the bites can be so violent and explosive.


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