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where and what should i use for walleyes at potholes

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Worm harnesses and smiley blades are deadly when fished behind a bottom walker.  If you haven't tried the Slow Death hooks go to Mardon and ask for some they are truly deadly from what I've heard.  Once the summer comes around you can get them on Shad Raps as well.  Perch color is the most productive with Clown probably being second.  In the winter and late fall they can be taken off the net pens with big Storm swimbaits and I know they can be taken on blade baits early in the season as well.  The mouth of Crab Creek and the Lind Coulee are the two primary areas to look.  To be honest just look for all the boats or ask at the Mardon store where the bite has been most active.  I believe the Walleye spawn is big in the Coulee during the spring and in the summer they can be caught throughout the dunes just cruising and feeding.  I'm no expert I have only caught a handful of them but a couple of my best friends have the Walleye dialed out there.

Thanks for the info. I will add it to my notes. Was just thinking tonight of how to rig the 

line. I think I will fish with a mono line with a double worm rig as a Texas Reg. eith a willow

leaf spinner and drag that behind a slow moving boat. What do you think?

I cannot really picture what you are trying to explain exactly, but I have just fished a bottom walker then a mono leader coming off it about 3 or so feet with a smiley blade a bead, and a slow death worm hook.  You can use a double hook worm harness or whatever you want on the end.

Charlie Griffith said:

Thanks for the info. I will add it to my notes. Was just thinking tonight of how to rig the 

line. I think I will fish with a mono line with a double worm rig as a Texas Reg. eith a willow

leaf spinner and drag that behind a slow moving boat. What do you think?

I am having a little trouble with the mechanics of the site. Being a newbie is not easy for me. LOL.

I do not know what a slow death worm is, but I presume it is a harness of some sort. I guess I can find out when I ask the man behind the counter at Mardon. I know what a smiley blade and a bead would be. I have never fished with a bottom bouncer before but I presume it is rigged sorta like a three way swivel with a dropper line weighted, only it is a wire. Is this correct?

Do you have to tie it in a special way?


Ah hah. I now know what a slow death hook is. I found  video on line.

Ok, I think I have this down. Get a bottom bouncing rig, and some sd hooks.

what size? I might try blades but will get some smiley blades also. Now all I need is 

warm weather and to finish wiring my boat for spring.


Thans a bunch fellows. I really appreciate your help. I am sure I will have some

more questions. But I think I have enough to work on for now. Stay warm and stay dry.

Tight lines. 


thanks for the help

tight lines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have often used the rig you are talking about when trolling for them, but another way I have caught many of them on is with a jig with a 1/2 of a worm that trails of the hook. I have caught some of my biggest walleye (12lb 10oz, 10lb 4oz,and several 9 and 7 lbs. You can either drift or use your electric motor to slowly move you around an area. It really is a lot of fun because you feel the strike and don't have to pull in the bottom walker weight when fighting it. But I will use the bottom walker to locate the beat area where the fish are active. Also on the Spokane Arm of Lake Roosevelt in Feb. and March are some of the best months to catch large walleye's.

Are you using a scented worm or just a rubber worm? 

What size jig, 3/8  or 1/4 or ?


Not trying to steal your thunder, just curious. I know nothing. Kinda like Sergeant Schultz. 

I usually use a real nightcrawler, but you could use a gulp or some other type of scented artificial type worm. Usually 1/4 oz but that is determined by the water conditions. You want to keep it bumping along the bottom!

Charlie Griffith said:

Are you using a scented worm or just a rubber worm? 

What size jig, 3/8  or 1/4 or ?


Not trying to steal your thunder, just curious. I know nothing. Kinda like Sergeant Schultz. 



4-5inch grubs on a regular old 3/8 or 1/2oz round jig head can be deadly as well.

So how early can we start fishing AND CATCHING  the walleye in potholes?


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