Washington Fishing

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This discover pass thing is BS. I got a $99 ticket at Sammamish this weekend for not having one. I thought the vehicle pass they give you with your license is good???? So confusing. This pass here, that pass there, that pass not good here, but good here....bla bla bla. I buy hunting and fishing licenses every year, pay boat launch fees, now I have to dig deeper in the pocket for a discover pass? They'll patrol the launch for this stupid pass but not for the bastards who broke into my truck 2 weeks ago. Next we'll have to donate blood to launch or boats.

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Another topic that has been beaten to death this year. If the signs all over the pay booth and when you drive in aren't enough or the fact that its a state park, do a little more research.

Bummer you got broken into, I know the feeling and it sucks.

It's $30, big deal! I don't understand everyone's bitching or misunderstanding. A lot of us spend that on a couple bags of baits or triple that on a tank of gas, just buy the pass and put it up wherever you go and then no worries.

I had a Q&A session with the State about the Discovery Pass and how the funds are used. There is too much detail to list here as a response, so if WaFish doesn't mind, you can visit my article here:

If you fish State Parks often and you don't want to pay launch fees, there is actually a substitute pass that will save you money in the long run. Not many people know about it...so read the entire article.

Didn't you say you used to be the law? I hope you didn't have this much trouble understanding rules and reading signs when you were the law...


Unfortunately, the park where your truck was broke into was not a state park, so your wish for the Discover Pass money being used to patrol that parking lot is not going to happen either.

This is a topic that has been beaten to death for sure but you obviously didnt ge the point why people are pissed about it. The ADDITIONAL $30 is ridiculous. We pay for the pass and still have to pay the same $7 for the launch. Same fucking launch as it was before. When I buy a new bait for $30 I have a new bait; not the same fucking baits I had before spending an additional $30. Do you get it now?

NickBerto said:
Another topic that has been beaten to death this year. If the signs all over the pay booth and when you drive in aren't enough or the fact that its a state park, do a little more research.

Bummer you got broken into, I know the feeling and it sucks.

It's $30, big deal! I don't understand everyone's b******* or misunderstanding. A lot of us spend that on a couple bags of baits or triple that on a tank of gas, just buy the pass and put it up wherever you go and then no worries.

Nick you're right, 30 bucks and done. Obviously I was torqued yesterday after getting it, but I haven't read posts about it like some of you have. It is clearly my own negligence. I read one sign somewhere that said Discover pass was required but the WDFG pass was good too and assumed that was the same for all the land and park uses. Its a whole political debate but people can walk/ride into the park and not need a pass, but we do after paying a launch fee. It's like bicyclist who don't pay registration or insurance, but have the right to ride down the middle of the road and block traffic.....it's all irritating. I guess with the topic beaten to death and people still not getting it shows that either it's confusing as all heck or ridiculous in the first place.

So after seeing that 84% goes to state parks I guess we pay launch fees as boaters (which are for launch maintenance) and we get to pay for the state park that others that walk in probably use more than us boaters do who are on the water...?? Thats how I see it.

Get the state park pass for sammamish and you launch free.

The state could have done a lot better job of rolling it out. It is still confusing if you haven't really looked into it. On WDFW land you can use the pass they give you when you buy your license, but you can't use it at the State Parks. They are the same signs, and not a lot of clarity as to which is which.


A seperate subject is that I have a hard time with inefficencies at the goverment level, and the need to pay more money.

On a bright note, the smallie bite was insane Sunday out on Sammamish.  Even if it did cost you an extra bone or two.



So Rob you can always just say Kiss My Pass.  Does anyone else wonder where all the tax dollars went that were supporting WDFW et al in the past.   Hmm they used to have the money to pay for what they needed... Hmmm where is that missing money... I guess they'll just have to "raise more revenue"

The answer is simple, money that was long ago promised to WDFW, et al, is now being distributed to other programs... why because we all accept it. They throw on another tax aka. fee and we just pay it.

I assure you there will be new tax/fee in less than two years specifically targeted at boat owners.  Then it will be a tax/fee for those that use the port-a-potty, and those that catch and release but don't harvest.   It will never stop.  Vote wisely, cause lord knows doing without or cutting some social program or not creating more administration is completely unacceptable.  If you raise fees enough you can get the people to stop going into the habitat, and leave it for all the fuzzy, feather, and finned creatures. 

honestly for fishing I would not by a discover pass you already get clearance at the wdfw launches with the one you get with your license you just need to buy a state park pass to launch at steamboat park and lake sammamish.  If you buy more than one the second one is like 10 bucks cheaper I think it cost $60 bucks that pays for itself after 4 trips.

I strongly believe that the passes need to be redesigned to the shape and size of a rear view mirror so as upon purchase it may be hung on the rear view mirror and left there. It is a safety hazard to have an obstruction of vision while driving with the current design hanging down from the rear view mirror. With it on display at all times in such a manner would reduce the number of times we may forget to display it when required. This would also allow the pass to be used on multiple vechicles as now is legal.

I also believe that the law enforcement agencies need to write warning ticket the first time we forget to display our pass. They then need a common data base shared by all agencies where as they could check this and then fine only the habitual offender. By enforcement in this manner I strongly believe this would do more to enhance the number of people to enjoy the great outdoors versus driving them away with the cost of heavey fines.

Yeah good luck reading the Discover pass or the WDFW pass after a couple weekends parked at the Blythe boat launch in the summer... Let the guys patrolling try and figure that one out!


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