Washington Fishing

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It was a pretty tough day of fishing on Lake Sammamish today. Sounded like there weren't very many fish caught at all. I think the top three teams caught just 6 fish each total. I spoke with a few of the top guys and it sounded like it was a deadstick type of day, either with a dropshot or small jighead/grub. The top finishers were:


1st place: Jaime Strasbaugh & ? - 17+

2nd place: Ron Hobbs Jr and Mike Wolsky 16+

3rd place: Gabe Lowe and Tome Librande - 13+

4th place: John Mchenry and Bob Leary 12+


I think big fish was a 5lb 8oz largemouth caught by Ron and Mike.


Nick and I caught just two fish today weighing 3.5 and 3lbs. We had ALOT of fish that were short striking and would either just not hook up or would rip the tails off our grubs. Bummer deal.


Congrats to the guys that got limits today!

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We didn't have to dead stick anything maybe if we would have we could of culled out the bag killer 14" fish which we caught two of :( We caught all our fish on jigs, and I caught the largie on a jig too. Thank you to the Hawg Hunters for putting this tourney on. I am sure glad we decided to fish this last week.
Nice job to all that pulled out a limit. Sammamish was sunny and flat and made for tough fishing conditions for most of the teams out there. We had some great stuff in the raffle thanks to the sponsors!

1st place Jaymee Strasbaugh & Lance Cash

2nd place and Big Fish Ron Hobbs Jr and Mike Wolsky

3rd place Gabe Lowe and Tome Librande


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