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I heard the Lamiglas XP and Infinity Bass rods begin shipping on October 15th,,,has anyone tried them yet? Tag??  Marc??

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The Infinity series is remarkable. I own the 735C, which can be used for just about any application that requires up to a 1 1/2 ounce rating. I hit Long Lake with it last weekend and the rod handled every technique from spinnerbaits to cranks to creatures and jigs. For reaction baits, I was very impressed with the sensitivity. The counterbalanced handle is awesome - no fatigue whatsoever. For the trip, I paired it with a Lew's Tournament pro. The carbon features of both make the entire setup look great.

The Pro X series is GOLD. They have their own unique feel, and were much more sensitive than I had anticipated. Got into a lot of smallies on Long Lake with my dropshot model, and put the casting model to work also. The 702S is perfect for dropshotting, and I did put some work in with the shakeyhead. The styling here is unique - aggressive and eye catching. Be sure to feel both models. I can only describe them so much with words. They both just feel awesome.

Big things for Lamiglas and bass anglers in 2013.


Not sure what rods you fish normally but it would help if you could share what current rods they compare favorable to?  Obviously Loomis it tough to beat...How does their football head rod compare to the GLX 893?  How does the dropshot rod compare to the GLX822?  How does the jig rod compare to the GLX852?

I liked the Lami 704XMG for footballheads when they use to make them...anything similar?

What would you say is going to be the best selling model?

Great topic, Joel. I had the opportunity to get my hands on a couple of the Infinity rods shortly after ICAST, the 735C and the 724C. I was also able to feel all the models of the Pro X and Infinity rods at the Lamiglas factory earlier this summer before they debuted at ICAST. Daniel is spot on with his impressions and reviews. The Infinity is hands down the best rod I've ever felt in my hand and fished with. The combination of balance, action, power, weight and sensitivity really have to be felt to do this rod justice. Daniel is right, the 735C is amazing. I have used it exclusively while field testing a new jig I'll be releasing next year and I was absolutely blown away with this rod. I can feel exactly what my lure is doing at all times and the bites transmitted like electricity. I love the look and feel of the new handle and all the components are exceptional. I've always been more into performance over style but the Infinity rods look as bad ass as they perform. It takes a lot to impress me and I have to say Lamiglas knocked this one out of the park.

Also just found out that Justin Lucas has recently signed back up with the Lami team :) 


I have a set of the new Lamiglas Infinity rods and just started to use them.  I need some more time with them to make an informed decision regarding performance in landing bass, but I can say I love the feel, look, components, casting, and sensitivity.  All that is left is for me to catch a bunch of bass and get a feel for how well they play a bass, and land one.  So far my opinion is one of being impressed.



Joel, I'll be quite honest - all three new models that I own (one Infinity and two Pro X's) surpass any Lamiglas rods I have ever fished with. Make that ANY rod I've fished with. From the Crankbait series to the GLX, I believe the new models surpass the older rods to date when it comes to feel, sensitivity and tip action, just like Tag has addressed.

I haven't fished with the 724C, so Tag has more experience on the different powers than I do at this point. From fishing the 735C, I can tell you I wouldn't have a problem ordering ANY Infinity or Pro X thanks to the three rods I own. Lamiglas has done a wonderful job of addressing our needs of components, performance and style. These rods have it all. Feeling is believing.

For future reference, if anyone has any particular questions about powers or feel, these are the rods I own as of October 2012. Message me if you have any questions, or check out my reviews on FHC Outdoors. You can bet I'll be ordering more!

Infinity 735C
XP 764C
XP 702S

I hope you're right Daniel! I want nothing more than to fish Lami sticks! They have quality people working for them, they are locally made in the USA, and they sponor high character dudes. If their sticks can hang with some of the other top of the line sticks out there I'll be a believer! Marc and Tag please keep us updated. On a side note I've heard the Gloomis sticks they have been sending back as rod warranty replacements have not been the same quality rods guys have been sending in so if Gloomis is heading down hill Lami should be taking advantage on this and snag up all us Washington bass guys fishing Gloomis!

Joel, I can assure you that not only will the Infinity rods hang with the other top of the line sticks out there, I honestly believe these rods could become the new standard.  Additional lengths and actions in the future will be an even stronger statement for this series.

I haven't fished with the Pro X rods yet so I will have to comment later on this series specifically, but I have caught enough quality fish on the two Infinity series I own to say they are, without a doubt, the real deal and the best I've ever fished.

Very much looking forward to hearing Marc's feedback after he hangs a bunch of quality fish on these rods.  That's where they really shine!

Joel Alinen said:

I hope you're right Daniel! I want nothing more than to fish Lami sticks! They have quality people working for them, they are locally made in the USA, and they sponor high character dudes. If their sticks can hang with some of the other top of the line sticks out there I'll be a believer! Marc and Tag please keep us updated. On a side note I've heard the Gloomis sticks they have been sending back as rod warranty replacements have not been the same quality rods guys have been sending in so if Gloomis is heading down hill Lami should be taking advantage on this and snag up all us Washington bass guys fishing Gloomis!

A question I have for Marc and Tag and anyone else with an in at Lamiglas is are they going to be standardizing their bass line to the Infinity and XPs?  Gloomis GLX has been around a long time, now they are changing it and that is going to cause some shake up as far as the die hard Loomis guys I am sure.  I used to fish Lamiglas rods a lot, but because of the inconsistency in the individual rods and the inconsistency in the rod lines I went primarily to St Croix and Loomis.  I know companies come out with new lines pretty often, but part of why I don't mind buying a high dollar rod is they usually come with a good warranty program.  If I break a rod and I go down to the manufacturer willing to pay the fee to get it replaced and they don't have it because the rod isn't made any longer it can be upsetting. I think Gloomis guys are starting to go through this now...

Another question I have is about powers.  Daniel says the model 735 is good for everything including cranks.  I am guessing he means large cranks because I assume that is a 5 power rod?  Which in my world means something that would be close in power to a GLX 894 (My primary pitching rod)... I would never consider fishing a crankbait on that rod. I believe that the Infinity 735 is a great jig rod, and I am guessing that is primarily what the rod is meant for in the lineup.

I think I might give these a shot myself.  I fish primarily Dobyn's with a few left over Kistlers that I haven't phased out yet.  I need a new rod to pitch jigs and a little lighter action to pitch small creature baits.  I would like to hear about the warranty too.  I was very happy with Dobyn's warranty the only time that I have needed to use it.  Kistler on the other hand, well let's just say that is why I was phasing them out of my lineup.  I appreciate the detailed reviews on these rods.  I would love to buy "made in USA" rods. 

After looking on the Lamiglas website, their warranty seems to be pretty good.  "Limited lifetime" against defects and $100 fast track fee for replacement on anything else.  That is pretty good, not as good as the Dobyn's($60) but for an american made rod, I would gladly pay a little more. 

Does anyone know if they plan on releasing the blanks for these rods for rod builders?  I could get behind using some of them as I'm not too fond of the setups on the infinitys.  I'd prefer an ACS seat.  I love my only Lamiglas rod I own and would love to add some more to the stable.


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