Washington Fishing

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Here's the results to the Northwest Bass Tournament on Umatilla: http://nwbass.net/Results%202011%20Umatilla%207-9-11.htm


From the few guys i talked to, it sounds like the winners had all largemouth and the other top bags were mixed.

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We weren't able to make this one, but congrats to the winners!   There was some pretty good weights, especially considering the fact the river was so high. Nice job guys.

Big Props to Cody & his partner , these guys weighed in right in front me and WOW those largies were toads . They had 4 LMB that went 17+lbs with just those four fish !!!!

Also Big Props to Shawn & Rick with a nice 2nd place finish , that help push these guys up to 1st place for AOY  :-)

As for my partner and i , well we now know how unpredicable the river be at times ..lol

We pre fished for 4days in a row and found some really nice LMB and smallies all holding in one area not far from the dam area. Come tourney morning , we pulled up to our so~call honey hole and drop the TM too only find that there was 10ft of water missing , WTF :-(  ...

After wasting a couple of hours in hopes that our fish might still be there , needless to say that didnt play into our favor ..  OOOO well thats how it goes !!

If nothing else we can atleast say that we now have 6 total days of fishing the river under our belt for future events ..haha 

Fun times , tons of fish , the sun felt awesome , and i will see you Riverrats in august !!


Dez "The rookie"

BBD, Are you talking about 10 feet of vertical water, or a horizontal 10 feet of bank missing as a result of a foot or two drop?





Dez- please check the AOY race, they are not leading, they are still behind by 9 points.  Also FYI the river did drop 10 feet, that would of meant that the break waters were under the water last week and that was  just not the case.

BigBass Dez said:

Big Props to Cody & his partner , these guys weighed in right in front me and WOW those largies were toads . They had 4 LMB that went 17+lbs with just those four fish !!!!

Also Big Props to Shawn & Rick with a nice 2nd place finish , that help push these guys up to 1st place for AOY  :-)

As for my partner and i , well we now know how unpredicable the river be at times ..lol

We pre fished for 4days in a row and found some really nice LMB and smallies all holding in one area not far from the dam area. Come tourney morning , we pulled up to our so~call honey hole and drop the TM too only find that there was 10ft of water missing , WTF :-(  ...

After wasting a couple of hours in hopes that our fish might still be there , needless to say that didnt play into our favor ..  OOOO well thats how it goes !!

If nothing else we can atleast say that we now have 6 total days of fishing the river under our belt for future events ..haha 

Fun times , tons of fish , the sun felt awesome , and i will see you Riverrats in august !!


Dez "The rookie"

jordan it was a 10ft horizontal drop , during pre fish we were within flipp'n distance of shoreline  and averaged 16~17ft in depth and we also had 10 weypoints  marking our hot spots . On tourney morning as we went down the shoreline we were only averaging 5~6ft  with the boat sitting in the same distance away .. SUCKS BRO :-(


Thats what we get for fishing that close too the dam in the first place ..lol we never thought about the fact that the amount of water coming in there could change over the 4day off limit period ..  rookie mistakes


Kinda reminds me of a lame joke .. What did the salmon say right it was killed ? DAM !!

Jordan Doucet said:

BBD, Are you talking about 10 feet of vertical water, or a horizontal 10 feet of bank missing as a result of a foot or two drop?





You are correct sir ! I do apologize you and mike are still in the lead for AOY :-)

As for your "opinion" regarding our loss water , dont go there (focus on growing ur mustache back instead ) ! Trust me bro ,i know exactly what we were fishing during  pre fish  and im still a little sensitive (buttsore) about the topic ..lol

Ronald Hobbs, Jr. said:

Dez- please check the AOY race, they are not leading, they are still behind by 9 points.  Also FYI the river did drop 10 feet, that would of meant that the break waters were under the water last week and that was  just not the case.

BigBass Dez said:

Big Props to Cody & his partner , these guys weighed in right in front me and WOW those largies were toads . They had 4 LMB that went 17+lbs with just those four fish !!!!

Also Big Props to Shawn & Rick with a nice 2nd place finish , that help push these guys up to 1st place for AOY  :-)

As for my partner and i , well we now know how unpredicable the river be at times ..lol

We pre fished for 4days in a row and found some really nice LMB and smallies all holding in one area not far from the dam area. Come tourney morning , we pulled up to our so~call honey hole and drop the TM too only find that there was 10ft of water missing , WTF :-(  ...

After wasting a couple of hours in hopes that our fish might still be there , needless to say that didnt play into our favor ..  OOOO well thats how it goes !!

If nothing else we can atleast say that we now have 6 total days of fishing the river under our belt for future events ..haha 

Fun times , tons of fish , the sun felt awesome , and i will see you Riverrats in august !!


Dez "The rookie"


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