Washington Fishing

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Hey Guys,
I'm a new member. I'm sure some of you guys know me; it's been a kick reading some of these posts! Anyways, I was reading and someone mentioned the idea of a Pre-Fishing Bank where they make deposits to their wife's account so that they can go pre-fishing. This is an interesting idea...I'd like to read more about what some of you guys do with/for your wives/girlfriends to help compensate for all of the time spent on the water. I know I struggle with it!

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Josh Potter wrote one of the deals you speak of......and my 2 cents worth is this.......I get the yardwork done.....do laundry, unload the dishwasher....and whatever else I can. It is easier for me than some, since I have Friday and Saturday off and work afternoon shift during the week. When she gets home from work on Friday, I am usually gone. I might leave her a bottle of wine on the counter as well. I hope that when she notices the other shit done, that she is relatively happy and might sit and relax with Wine. ( Sometimes, I might try the seduction route the night before....but that takes a lot of situational awareness.......you could ruin everything if you aren't careful)

That works some of the time.............another avenue is to piss her off beyond repair....but not far enough for her to throw your stuff in the yard while you are gone. You have to find a happy medium. In THIS case, I will get some flowers AND a bottle of Wine......and explain that a day or two apart might be good ...........

Feel free to use these as a template and modify to your situation. It is kinda like Bass Fishing.....there are many ways to get it done, but some are just a little smoother at it.

Good Luck and I look forward to meeting you in person. I have no problem sharing this type of information, since it is for the Welfare of Bass Fishermen everywhere !


P.S. The faster you crank it....the Harder they Spank it!!!!!!
Well I am 31 and single... so don't look for advise from me. I am fishing about 10 tournaments this year and I don't have any problem with girls during fishing season. It is hunting season that gets me.
Jon, at about 30 years that system too has run it's course!
Ben, house work and wine will go a long ways, house work more than the wine!
I find that if I take atleast one if not both of the kids with me, I am usually good to go without any grief. Last weekend I managed to go on Saturday by myself. On Sunday, which was mothers day as you all know, I got to go again. All I had to do was take my daughter and let the wife know that I don't go that much with just my daughter so it would be a special day for us. It worked and we had a great time together. Check out the picture of my little girl and the nice largie she got.
I am divorced..aka single, and I highly recommend it. Fish whenever, drink whenever, etc. If I were married still? I'd fish twice a month after doing what Jeff said and then some. BTW nice pic Dave
At a Lake Washington Tournament in March I snagged a $400 pair of women's Coach sunglasses out of 24' of water. They were the 2008 sunglasses of the year, and in great condition, so let's just say my bank account is doing fine!
LOL nice

Chad Simon said:
At a Lake Washington Tournament in March I snagged a $400 pair of women's Coach sunglasses out of 24' of water. They were the 2008 sunglasses of the year, and in great condition, so let's just say my bank account is doing fine!
Taking marriage advice from the divorced guy. Hmmm.....
That's like asking Lloyd for fashion (or any) advice, or asking T-Dot to make sense, or asking Sessler what it is like being broke, or asking Ron what he does if he can't catch any fish, or asking Potter how to spell, or asking Parnicky to keep his answer short, or asking Wolsky to get something off of the top shelf, or asking Bess what it is like to have a best friend who is a not a genius.

Jerry said:
I am divorced..aka single, and I highly recommend it. Fish whenever, drink whenever, etc. If I were married still? I'd fish twice a month after doing what Jeff said and then some. BTW nice pic Dave
Chad, they are Ron's glasses and he wants them back.

Chad Simon said:
At a Lake Washington Tournament in March I snagged a $400 pair of women's Coach sunglasses out of 24' of water. They were the 2008 sunglasses of the year, and in great condition, so let's just say my bank account is doing fine!
I am kinda impressed that I wasn't included in Eric's list........

Eric DeLay said:
Chad, they are Ron's glasses and he wants them back.

Chad Simon said:
At a Lake Washington Tournament in March I snagged a $400 pair of women's Coach sunglasses out of 24' of water. They were the 2008 sunglasses of the year, and in great condition, so let's just say my bank account is doing fine!
I don't claim to be a master by any stretch and after 11 happy years we still have our battles from time to time. I have found however that it rarely has to do with the fishing its self it just manifests its self through fishing. Some of you guys have made some great points and you really have to know your wife/girlfriend to be able to determine the best approach. First of all you can't think of these things as tactics. They must be sincere and thought out. What's done for show will be seen as such.

My grandpa was a pastor and super wise. He counseled my wife and I before we got married and one of the most important things he told us is that a relationship is like a bank account. You can't take a withdrawal unless you have made sufficient deposits. That really stuck with me. The key is figuring out what a deposit is to your spouse. It may be significantly different than you think. I have also found that if I communicate with my wife my intentions or goals then she gets behind me and supports me because she sees what I am doing as a mission rather than just me wanting to have a good time. Last year my partner and I made the cut at Moses and she packed up all 3 kids and showed up at weigh-in on Sunday. That is over 100 miles from where we live. We had spent a fair amount of time in the weeks prior to that event talking about it and how cool it would be to fish on Sunday. She felt like she was a part of it and she was. Then I took 2 huge steps backwards in the process by neglecting to introduce her to the guys I knew. Totally retarded on my part.

You can't trick them. They are way smarter than us in a lot of ways. The big ground work is laid way in advance and not the night before. Not to say it's a bad idea to lay a little ground work the night before either.

Are you saying that I should be proof reading before I hit post or are you referring to the way I always spell Dlloiydd?

Eric DeLay said:
Taking marriage advice from the divorced guy. Hmmm.....
That's like asking Lloyd for fashion (or any) advice, or asking T-Dot to make sense, or asking Sessler what it is like being broke, or asking Ron what he does if he can't catch any fish, or asking Potter how to spell, or asking Parnicky to keep his answer short, or asking Wolsky to get something off of the top shelf, or asking Bess what it is like to have a best friend who is a not a genius.

Jerry said:
I am divorced..aka single, and I highly recommend it. Fish whenever, drink whenever, etc. If I were married still? I'd fish twice a month after doing what Jeff said and then some. BTW nice pic Dave


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