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Hi everyone, I saw this on the Northwest Bass website and wanted to pass it along. Chase is a great kid and he deserves our support! Any donations made to WAFISH during the month of January will be sent directly towards Chase' cause. http://www.wafish.com/group/contributing 


A very, very special request.

Most that have fished Northwest Bass have had a chance to meet a very special young man, Chase “The Ox” Heaton.  You know him as the dude that checks your boat live wells prior to blast off, as the dude wearing the red vest on the point or in the boat time checking your flight returns, and you know him as that big quiet kid that helps me (actually does most of the work) set up and tear down tournament headquarters.  But Chase is so much more:  He is a stoic 18 year old fighting to stay healthy.  Just one week after the 2011 Northwest Bass Championship Chase was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  Yep, he has cancer and is currently undergoing chemotherapy here in Spokane.  To date, Chase has undergone five chemo sessions and is doing as well as can be expected.  His dad says some days are better than others, but over all Chase has kept an amazingly positive attitude, adopting the catch phrase “Never Forget, Life is Good”!  Ones mental outlook when faced with the challenge of cancer is so important.  And Chase is proving to be an inspiration as well as a “Never Give Up” fighter.  Yet another reason we call him “The Ox”

Now for the special request.

Northwest Bass, Nixon’s Marine, Washington State Federation Nation and the Inland Empire Bass Club (as “the Team”) are requesting your financial support in an effort to truly make a dream come true for the entire Heaton family.  Helping to bring this dream to fruit is Jon Stewart, B.A.S.S. Senior Manager.  I am pleased to announce that Jon has received approval from his management team to give Chase and his dad (Regan) a VIP weekend at the 2012 Bassmaster Classic!!!  UNBELIVABLE!!!  

In short, the deal is as follows:  We, being “the Team,” will need to arrange and pay for travel to and from Shreveport, Louisiana, and for some meals.  B.A.S.S. will put Chase and Regan up in the host hotel where all the anglers are staying.  Someone (most of the time it will be Jon Stewart himself or the Louisiana President, Kevin Gaubert) will pick them up from the airport and take them to launches, weigh-ins, and any dinners and other functions that they can squeeze them into.  The Ox will get V.I.P passes allowing him to go back stage, to the service yard, inside the launch area and much, much more.  While there are still details to work out regarding on site activities, it sounds as if B.A.S.S. will be rolling out the red carpet!!!  Additionally, if we can send them a day early (media day), Jon thinks that he can arrange for Chase to hang out with Mike Iaconelli, or whomever he would like.  Again, all we have to do is get him there and cover some minor meal expenses.

The challenge.

While Chase’s parents have already committed to getting him to Louisiana come hell or high water, I personally know that funds are tight.  Chase’s chemo sessions cost nearly $10,000.00 a piece.  Insurance pays around eighty percent of these costs (thank goodness) but the remaining expenses are being covered by Regan and Jill. 

Sooooo, I guess the best way to ask this is the direct way.  Can you and will you help a great kid, who is in small ways showing us how to be better people, achieve a dream come true by donating whatever amount you can to the “Chasing The Cure” effort?  All money received will be used by the family to defray travel costs and create everlasting memories.  Additionally, for Chase’s part, he will be asked to take on-site photos as well as provide commentary relative to classic activities as they happen.  This info will be posted to Facebook daily.  As the events unfold, Chase will be our man on the scene!!! 

Before I close, I must offer thanks for your dedication to our sport and thanks in advance for your thoughts and prayers.

If you can help, checks should be written out to Regan and Jill Heaton and can be sent via Northwest Bass to P.O. Box 825, Veradale, Washington 99037.  Again, we so appreciate any help you can provide.  We would also like to thank B.A.S.S. for allowing “The Ox’” to be so much a part of this special event.

Take good care,


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Comment by Larry Bosler on February 19, 2012 at 2:39pm

I meet Chase last year at Roosevelt, great kid. I will be praying for him and his family. Payday is coming I will send what I can.

Comment by Jordan Doucet on January 16, 2012 at 11:52am

Hi Everyone,

We're up to $400 now. Let's see if we can hit $1,000 before the end of the month!!!

Comment by Chad Simon on January 4, 2012 at 6:33pm

We will be praying and pulling for you Ox!

Comment by Chris Hollick. on January 4, 2012 at 4:41pm

Donation sent.

Comment by Larry Austin on January 4, 2012 at 9:22am
Donation sent
Comment by Randall J DeFreese on January 4, 2012 at 8:23am

Donation sent. 

Comment by Chris Hollick. on January 3, 2012 at 7:58pm

I don't know the young man but I'd like to help with a donation which I'll be mailing in the am. This is a great cause and I'm sure it will be a thrill for him..........Get well Ox.

Comment by Josh Potter on January 3, 2012 at 10:38am

This is definitely a worthy cause. Chase is a great yound man.

Comment by Shawn O'Connell on January 2, 2012 at 7:36pm
Thanks for posting this Jordan, I agree the Ox is an exceptional young man and our thoughts are with him and his family. I'm certain he will be whooping us out on the water soon!
Comment by D.J. LaRoche on January 2, 2012 at 7:00pm

I will be sending off some money myself.  Chase is a great young man, to say the least.  I also just put this up on a more nation wide bass fishing site in hopes of gaining more support.  The bass fishing community is unlike any group I have had the priveledge of being a part of.  We will all pull together and get Chase and his father to the Classic.  I have no doubt. 

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