Washington Fishing

The Online Source for Washington Fishing Information

Anyone seen this yet?


Fishing Contest Rules and Permits

A fishing contest is defined as any event where six or more licensed anglers (age 15 and older) fish competitively for game fish and determine winners, regardless of the prize value. A fishing contest permit is required by and issued by The Department of Fish and Wildlife. The fee for a fishing contest permit is $24.00 (no more than seven permits will be issued to any one permittee during the calendar year). Effective March 1, 2013, an application fee of $70.00 will be charged for each application submitted (RCW 77.65.480). The $70 application fee will be collected in addition to the fishing contest permit fee and it is non-refundable.  Applications for fishing contest permits may be submitted at any time of the year, but they must be received by the department no less than 30 days prior to the start date of the proposed contest. Bass and walleye contest applicants wishing to have their preferred dates considered equally with all other requested dates must have their applications received by the department by July 1 of the year preceding the year in which the contests are planned to be held. These applications will be processed simultaneously so all applicants have an equal opportunity to get preferred dates. Bass and walleye fishing contest applications received after July 1 will be processed on a first come first serve basis. Upon completion of a fishing contest, a final report is required to be submitted within 30 days. Please see the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) that governs fishing events for more detailed information.

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Yeah, this would be our state government trying to get MORE $$$$$$ out of us.  So every little club tourney that our clubs want to have will be $100 right out of the treasury of the club with no guarantee of even getting the date you want. 

  Could they make it any harder.  How about we have to submit our first born child to be sacrificed.  Geez how I hate how the beaucracy of governments trying to regulate EVERYTHING......  The only good side of this would be the enforcement side.  Say a club has a "gathering of anglers" fun fishing, how are they going to enforce, watchdog or keep a club from doing that.

  I know alot of clubs have fish in's... Is that now going to require a permit????  I say that all these events become the "fishin style" events ........  And tell the state to stick it in their @$$......

  Sorry for the rant.  It just really gets me fired up how these governments types continually feel entitled to our $$$$.


And for our club that's means what used to cost us 144 bucks will now cost 564.00!!! Read it and weep folks.

Here's what everyone can expect...


As I understand it, after talking with Bruce at WDFW, this $70.00 fee is per submission. So if all the tournament permits for a given year are submitted at the same time, it is a $70.00 fee in addition to the permit fee.  But if you submit half at one time and then half at another, that is two submissions and will cost you $140.00 on top of the permit fee.


Awaiting your response - 

Problem is, that Bruce doesn't make the call....an administrative Judge will, and if he determines the intent is that each permit is an application, they will charge the $70/per. 

Another question, what exactly are we getting for the $70.00? Answer is absolutely NOTHING!

Keep voting Democrat people and you can expect more, and more of this.

Just received this clarification from Bruce Baker.


Hi John,


Yes, I can clarify things.


When I was first notified of the fee, I had asked is it per application or per submission?  The person I asked wasn’t sure, but thought it could be per  submission and that is what I was telling people initially.  He later told me that he now thought that it would be per application.  I then asked our management for clarification.  I was told last week that the application fee would be charged per application, not per submission.



If this is all true then that is much better news especially for the smaller clubs.  The proposed $70 would have increased our fees in one year from $168 to $658.  That would be an almost unbearable weight for our club.  If I look at the application for a permit that is on line this item is listed on it.

NOTE: Fee of ninety-four dollars ($24 permit fee + $70 application dee = $94 check or money order) is to be enclosed with this application.  If application is denied, the permit dee will be refunded.

The application form is not stating that I can see that you are applying for multiple permits.  IT may be jsut me but I think they should clarify some of their paperwork but then again this is starting to feel like the Discovery Pass adventure we all went through just recently.

Have to pay a $70 application fee for every one.  Even if sent in at the same time.... Heres an email from Bruce.


"I’m sorry to say that the answer is no.  I was hoping it would be that way, but I have been told the application fee is for each individual application.  So if you send in 7 applications at the same time, you will still need to pay $490 in application fees.


Bisk1tSnGraV said:

If this is all true then that is much better news especially for the smaller clubs.  The proposed $70 would have increased our fees in one year from $168 to $658.  That would be an almost unbearable weight for our club.  If I look at the application for a permit that is on line this item is listed on it.

NOTE: Fee of ninety-four dollars ($24 permit fee + $70 application dee = $94 check or money order) is to be enclosed with this application.  If application is denied, the permit dee will be refunded.

The application form is not stating that I can see that you are applying for multiple permits.  IT may be jsut me but I think they should clarify some of their paperwork but then again this is starting to feel like the Discovery Pass adventure we all went through just recently.

Will this also apply on the Columbia River if WDFW considers bass to be non-native invasive predators and they no longer classify them as game fish to be protected? 


Only in Washington would a Dept. of Fish & Wildlife tell you it is your duty to remove bass, and then charge you outrageous fees to do so.


I agree with Jon, you get what you vote into office. 

The @$$ F***ings will continue.....it has only begun.


This alone might be the demise of club level tournament fishing...  Dana you get my vote!

I stand corrected. 

John McHenry said:

Just received this clarification from Bruce Baker.


Hi John,


Yes, I can clarify things.


When I was first notified of the fee, I had asked is it per application or per submission?  The person I asked wasn’t sure, but thought it could be per  submission and that is what I was telling people initially.  He later told me that he now thought that it would be per application.  I then asked our management for clarification.  I was told last week that the application fee would be charged per application, not per submission.




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