Washington Fishing

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Its always interesting to find out what guys like and dislike in their boats, but I find it even more interesting to find out what they would put in their bass boats of the future. I'd like to see your list of up to 5 things you really like about your boat, custom or factory features, and up to 5 things you'd like to see in the boat of the future.

My boat is really nothing special, so theres not a lot that is special.
1. I like that its not so pretty that I dont worry about every little ding.

1. To go along with 1. above, I'd like to see more Rhino lining, more durable out side so you aren't so worried about scratching your precious.
2. I heard KVD say something about trolling motors that came out of the hull with the push of a button and retracted with that same push of a button.
3. An automatic prop to pump feature for that shallow water.
4. Automatic retractable windsheild like bubble for those wicked runs in big water ( my wife would appreciate this in the cold weather too.)
5.Built in coffee maker.
6.Massage seats ....my back kills me aafter to many hours of standing. To sit down for a couple minute massage... nice.
7. On board PC with internet.
Ok thats a few more than 5... but its my discussion.


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Replies to This Discussion

Good job proving Jon's point Steve

Steve Hastings said:
Jon if you say so..... but there is no such thing as "too geeky"... geeky by definition is the extreme, kinda like saying "0" is a number but has no value, when any geek knows its "0" = "00" or "0000" and even can be equal to argv[0] which would really make you first.

There... thats some geek for ya,


My idea was a bit more simple. Since the 3-D map would have to be created off the boat for computing reasons (for now at least), the data could simply be transmitted to a large database via the internet. Cellular technology has a problem of misinterpretting a lot of data leading to distortions (mostly due to features that save battery life by disregarding the high frequency data). This data transmission could then generate very high quality 3-D maps, which the company sould then sell to make a profit on the system. I don't have the computer knowledge or I would pursue this myself. I guess I'll just have to work on polymers, fluid dynamics, and scent diffusion. =P


Steve Hastings said:

Its an idea I have jawed about with friends for a while but with a slight twist... Imagine your GPS/Sonar had the ability to connect via the cellular network and upload all of your data and all of the data of all other subscribers to a central distribution server where you would be getting the updates of all other anglers to. I think Lowrance, Garmin are missing the boat on this. And for those that are about to say, but what about a Banks where theres little to no cellular... think store and forward when possible. I believe its time will come. Or something done via satellite that produces the oracle of all mapping. Imagine google maps real time... were probably two orders of magnitude away, but you can see the first order coming in the next couple of years that refreshes what they have let say daily. With the grids that are being developed now, computing power will only be limited as it always is by applications that cannot fully take advantage.
Good to see at least two other anglers gets this.

Last time I checked Russ Baker isn't my partner in fishing / domestic / or any otherwise. Is he a friend of mine, absolutely. Known him for years. Work for him part time when his company needs the help. What makes you think we are fishing partners???? I would think Santa Claus would be pissed if I dumped him for Russ. By the way, Russ already knows he is a turd.


Misanthrope said:
You need to take your partner aside and gently tell him that he is a turd.

Russ Baker said:
Mianthrope would look cute in that White Bat Mobile Sessler posted.

BigBass Dez said:
Mark ! Im shocked man ! Didnt know you had such gangsta ways , Have you been listen to one of my rap cd's again? lol .. Okay so im the only one left on the wcct la famila that this dude hasnt taken a Jab at ! Thats because im sure iv giving him a few promo packs of baits at somepoint !! :-)

Mark Maderos said:
Apparently you know my boat better than I do. Glad to know that only two midgets can fit in it with me and the wife. I will try to remember that the next time I go out fishing / enjoying a day on the water. Being you are so well versed on my boat, what should I buy next to put in it. More lures, a different graph, have the different prop???? Well, what do you think I should do???? Oh let me guess, you will try to write something clever, it will include a$$ / gay jokes, but in the end, it will only continue to display what a pathetic little coward you are.

Misanthrope said:
Maybe you, Baker, and two midgets.

Mark Maderos said:
I would really like to see some developement of new materials for the hull. Lighter, stronger, more mar resistent. A lighter hull would then help with using a smaller engine, better fuel economy. Better tackle, rod storage. Phoenix has made some real innovative changes on their new boats. Wiring systems on the boat that are more integrated into the design. ( Meaning that when something goes bad in the wiring, and it WILL ) that it is easier to diagnose, and then fix. My current boat is a nitemare when it comes to fixing a wiring problem. Seating options for when you want to take out more than two people on the boat. It is why I bought the boat that I did. It was the only true bass boat that would comfortable seat 4 people.


You need to get your facts straight before you post.

" Cellular technology has a problem of misinterpretting a lot of data leading to distortions..."

Hmmm not sure you understand how the cell system really works and I suspect the Cellular companies would be dissapointed to hear their system has this flaw.
I'll explain it in detail in Az next spring and why it already does work. But if your curious... think about the data in a text message, not the message, but the data that represents the message and how it gets delivered, there are no missing letters. If you don't like the quality... trust me its not the delivery. Today you have every cell company offering cellular interenet access. If you have that you have a connection, you can deliver anything.

Why its an important part of the puzzle is, you and I don't fish enough to map every lake in the world the way you and i would like. But we as a collective community do.. over time. Its why I think there will be satellite versions that will compete and prevent this from hitting the market. I personally like the images, but want the depth and all that at high resolution.


Zackery Shaff said:

My idea was a bit more simple. Since the 3-D map would have to be created off the boat for computing reasons (for now at least), the data could simply be transmitted to a large database via the internet. Cellular technology has a problem of misinterpretting a lot of data leading to distortions (mostly due to features that save battery life by disregarding the high frequency data). This data transmission could then generate very high quality 3-D maps, which the company sould then sell to make a profit on the system. I don't have the computer knowledge or I would pursue this myself. I guess I'll just have to work on polymers, fluid dynamics, and scent diffusion. =P


Steve Hastings said:

Its an idea I have jawed about with friends for a while but with a slight twist... Imagine your GPS/Sonar had the ability to connect via the cellular network and upload all of your data and all of the data of all other subscribers to a central distribution server where you would be getting the updates of all other anglers to. I think Lowrance, Garmin are missing the boat on this. And for those that are about to say, but what about a Banks where theres little to no cellular... think store and forward when possible. I believe its time will come. Or something done via satellite that produces the oracle of all mapping. Imagine google maps real time... were probably two orders of magnitude away, but you can see the first order coming in the next couple of years that refreshes what they have let say daily. With the grids that are being developed now, computing power will only be limited as it always is by applications that cannot fully take advantage.
Good to see at least two other anglers gets this.


You are correct, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I wrote that, but the data we will be sending is not vocal. The conversion between vocal input to digital information is where the distortions are. I'm not sure how I spaced that, but I am a tard.

I do agree that the sharing of the data would be the most "important part of the puzzle." What I was trying to imply by my last post is that it could simply be done by the home computer. At the end of the day, plug your device in to your home computer, send data to the company's database, and either recieve pertinent data from the database and generate a map with personal software, or the company could generate the maps with the database, and then distribute them. As the technology matures, then the cellular sharing could offer added convenience, but I don't think it is necessary.

Either way, this would be awesome.


Steve Hastings said:
" Cellular technology has a problem of misinterpretting a lot of data leading to distortions..."

Hmmm not sure you understand how the cell system really works and I suspect the Cellular companies would be dissapointed to hear their system has this flaw.
I'll explain it in detail in Az next spring and why it already does work. But if your curious... think about the data in a text message, not the message, but the data that represents the message and how it gets delivered, there are no missing letters. If you don't like the quality... trust me its not the delivery. Today you have every cell company offering cellular interenet access. If you have that you have a connection, you can deliver anything.

Why its an important part of the puzzle is, you and I don't fish enough to map every lake in the world the way you and i would like. But we as a collective community do.. over time. Its why I think there will be satellite versions that will compete and prevent this from hitting the market. I personally like the images, but want the depth and all that at high resolution.


Zackery Shaff said:

My idea was a bit more simple. Since the 3-D map would have to be created off the boat for computing reasons (for now at least), the data could simply be transmitted to a large database via the internet. Cellular technology has a problem of misinterpretting a lot of data leading to distortions (mostly due to features that save battery life by disregarding the high frequency data). This data transmission could then generate very high quality 3-D maps, which the company sould then sell to make a profit on the system. I don't have the computer knowledge or I would pursue this myself. I guess I'll just have to work on polymers, fluid dynamics, and scent diffusion. =P


Steve Hastings said:

Its an idea I have jawed about with friends for a while but with a slight twist... Imagine your GPS/Sonar had the ability to connect via the cellular network and upload all of your data and all of the data of all other subscribers to a central distribution server where you would be getting the updates of all other anglers to. I think Lowrance, Garmin are missing the boat on this. And for those that are about to say, but what about a Banks where theres little to no cellular... think store and forward when possible. I believe its time will come. Or something done via satellite that produces the oracle of all mapping. Imagine google maps real time... were probably two orders of magnitude away, but you can see the first order coming in the next couple of years that refreshes what they have let say daily. With the grids that are being developed now, computing power will only be limited as it always is by applications that cannot fully take advantage.
Good to see at least two other anglers gets this.

Agreed... might be the difference between the $29.99 a month and 9.99 a month service.Interesting thing is, its not just bass fishermen that would buy it. A lot of boats out there.

Well now that we beat that dead horse,


Zackery Shaff said:

You are correct, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I wrote that, but the data we will be sending is not vocal. The conversion between vocal input to digital information is where the distortions are. I'm not sure how I spaced that, but I am a tard.

I do agree that the sharing of the data would be the most "important part of the puzzle." What I was trying to imply by my last post is that it could simply be done by the home computer. At the end of the day, plug your device in to your home computer, send data to the company's database, and either recieve pertinent data from the database and generate a map with personal software, or the company could generate the maps with the database, and then distribute them. As the technology matures, then the cellular sharing could offer added convenience, but I don't think it is necessary.

Either way, this would be awesome.


Steve Hastings said:
" Cellular technology has a problem of misinterpretting a lot of data leading to distortions..."

Hmmm not sure you understand how the cell system really works and I suspect the Cellular companies would be dissapointed to hear their system has this flaw.
I'll explain it in detail in Az next spring and why it already does work. But if your curious... think about the data in a text message, not the message, but the data that represents the message and how it gets delivered, there are no missing letters. If you don't like the quality... trust me its not the delivery. Today you have every cell company offering cellular interenet access. If you have that you have a connection, you can deliver anything.

Why its an important part of the puzzle is, you and I don't fish enough to map every lake in the world the way you and i would like. But we as a collective community do.. over time. Its why I think there will be satellite versions that will compete and prevent this from hitting the market. I personally like the images, but want the depth and all that at high resolution.


Zackery Shaff said:

My idea was a bit more simple. Since the 3-D map would have to be created off the boat for computing reasons (for now at least), the data could simply be transmitted to a large database via the internet. Cellular technology has a problem of misinterpretting a lot of data leading to distortions (mostly due to features that save battery life by disregarding the high frequency data). This data transmission could then generate very high quality 3-D maps, which the company sould then sell to make a profit on the system. I don't have the computer knowledge or I would pursue this myself. I guess I'll just have to work on polymers, fluid dynamics, and scent diffusion. =P


Steve Hastings said:

Its an idea I have jawed about with friends for a while but with a slight twist... Imagine your GPS/Sonar had the ability to connect via the cellular network and upload all of your data and all of the data of all other subscribers to a central distribution server where you would be getting the updates of all other anglers to. I think Lowrance, Garmin are missing the boat on this. And for those that are about to say, but what about a Banks where theres little to no cellular... think store and forward when possible. I believe its time will come. Or something done via satellite that produces the oracle of all mapping. Imagine google maps real time... were probably two orders of magnitude away, but you can see the first order coming in the next couple of years that refreshes what they have let say daily. With the grids that are being developed now, computing power will only be limited as it always is by applications that cannot fully take advantage.
Good to see at least two other anglers gets this.



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