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I guess I'm having a hard time appreciated the content of the video. A couple weenies unnecessarily killing a snake. Woulda been worth watching if a big bass took her down. 2 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
Several years ago my wife and a gril friend of her's were fishing on Banks Lake and had one swim up to thier boat and scared the crap out of em, but she managed to get pictures of it.
Only time I am comfortable around snakes is if I have a lawn mower running. F that !
ooooh poor snake. whatever. looks like a nice hat band and an appatizer to me.
You are right Adam. Eating the snake and making use of the skin is great. But thats not what I see on the video. Disagree?

I always cringe when I see people kill rattlesnakes unnecessarily. Makes a grown man look like a scared little girl to me. I've killed a few, but only because I felt someone else or their dog were going to stumble onto it. I've ran into alot more that are still alive.

Adam Florenzen said:
ooooh poor snake. whatever. looks like a nice hat band and an appatizer to me.
every rattlesnake i kill is one less my dogs and i run into durring bird season. its still dead whether its eaten or not.

Were those guys in an area where they will be upland hunting....or were they in the water? I guess I couldnt tell from the video, but it didnt look like a place they will run into the snake during hunting season. Could you check the video out and let me know?

Adam Florenzen said:
every rattlesnake i kill is one less my dogs and i run into durring bird season. its still dead whether its eaten or not.

Jake "The Snake" Anderson said:

Were those guys in an area where they will be upland hunting....or were they in the water? I guess I couldnt tell from the video, but it didnt look like a place they will run into the snake during hunting season. Could you check the video out and let me know?

Adam Florenzen said:
every rattlesnake i kill is one less my dogs and i run into durring bird season. its still dead whether its eaten or not.
What the F Jake? It's a snake not a bald eagle. What is your deal and wanting to protect every living creature?

The video was lame but not as lame as you defending rattle snakes. Do you slow down when driving through a bug hatch?

Jake "The Snake" Anderson said:
You are right Adam. Eating the snake and making use of the skin is great. But thats not what I see on the video. Disagree?

I always cringe when I see people kill rattlesnakes unnecessarily. Makes a grown man look like a scared little girl to me. I've killed a few, but only because I felt someone else or their dog were going to stumble onto it. I've ran into alot more that are still alive.

Adam Florenzen said:
ooooh poor snake. whatever. looks like a nice hat band and an appatizer to me.
You mad Potter? I agree with you Jake, boring video and senseless killing of an animal that helps control the nuisance rodent population.
you mean they dont plant greys out in the middle of the lake for you when you go chukkar hunting? your right. that snake probably lived in the middle of the lake. dont take it so personal "snake".

Jake "The Snake" Anderson said:

Were those guys in an area where they will be upland hunting....or were they in the water? I guess I couldnt tell from the video, but it didnt look like a place they will run into the snake during hunting season. Could you check the video out and let me know?

Adam Florenzen said:
every rattlesnake i kill is one less my dogs and i run into durring bird season. its still dead whether its eaten or not.
Dude, I agree with jake, it's a pretty gay video and the snake didn't need to go. But, that made me cry man. Thanks

Josh Potter said:
Do you slow down when driving through a bug hatch?

Jake "The Snake" Anderson said:
You are right Adam. Eating the snake and making use of the skin is great. But thats not what I see on the video. Disagree?

I always cringe when I see people kill rattlesnakes unnecessarily. Makes a grown man look like a scared little girl to me. I've killed a few, but only because I felt someone else or their dog were going to stumble onto it. I've ran into alot more that are still alive.

Adam Florenzen said:
ooooh poor snake. whatever. looks like a nice hat band and an appatizer to me.


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