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I am fishing a tournament this weekend and I can't make a decision. Maybe some advise from a few guys will help me decide. I fish this tournament every year and do very well. I always go for smallies and pull in bags from 19-21 lbs every year. So I just got done pre-fishing and happened upon some huge Largemouth. Lots of them. They where all 4-7 lbs. The problem is that I am not sure if they will be there this weekend and it is kinda far from my usual spot that I always do well in. The Largemouth would easily take the tournament if they are still there. What should I do? I could cross my fingers and hope to get the big greens or play it safe and go to my spot. Here's the other issue. I know that if I am not on my smallie spot first thing, There will be a guy on it that always tries to beat me to it. He's got a slow boat though. Should I go for it?

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I have been pulling those weights each year with smallies. Now the only time I have got my but kicked is with huge bags of Largemouths. Yes they are biting. I only stung one but it was 6 lbs. The Largies where so active that I saw the fish, it saw me and I still got her to bite. Every fish was curious when I put my bait close to them.

Marc Marcantonio said:
You should really try to determine how much weight you think you need to win (if that is your goal). 19-21 pounds is a good weight for this time of the year, and you said you always do well at this tournament, I assume with the smallmouths you have been catching. If I thought I could win with 19-21 pounds of smallmouths, and I thought that would be playing "safe", then there is no tough decision here. You can always go for the largemouths after you nail your smallmouth weight.

You didn't say if the largemouth were biting or not, so that is an unknown, and on top of that, largemouth are less dependable than smallmouths. If you felt you needed 24 pounds to win, then no question, go for the largemouths.

Good luck!

Shhhhhh! TMI Tag. This place is the real deal. No pressure at all and the winning weight 4 years ago was 27lbs of green! No shit!

Tag Watson said:
I believe it's a river....

Jon Sessler said:
Have you woken up yet, because you are obviously dreaming.

This lake can't exist in real life, you're fishing a tournament on your kids' Xbox, or Playstation aren't you?

P.S. - Eric Delay is slipping it's adviCe
It is the Columbia river at Pateros. I would have to say it is the most unfished part of the river. Remember what Moses lk was like before everyone knew about it : )

C-RIDE said:
Shhhhhh! TMI Tag. This place is the real deal. No pressure at all and the winning weight 4 years ago was 27lbs of green! No shit!

Tag Watson said:
I believe it's a river....

Jon Sessler said:
Have you woken up yet, because you are obviously dreaming.

This lake can't exist in real life, you're fishing a tournament on your kids' Xbox, or Playstation aren't you?

P.S. - Eric Delay is slipping it's adviCe
Based on all this new information, there is no way I could be satisfied with a 19 lb bag of smallies...I would have to go for the green.

Thanks Marc, I will take the advise and run with it. I am also counting on the other guys not knowing how to fish my spot for smallies. Its a small $ tournament but it is the most exciting one of the year for me. So many big fish. I will post some pics when I get back.

Marc Marcantonio said:
Based on all this new information, there is no way I could be satisfied with a 19 lb bag of smallies...I would have to go for the green.

This post will self destruct in 5 seconds!

Jon Sessler said:
You got your advice, now I would take this thread DOWN QUICKLY

C-RIDE said:
It is the Columbia river at Pateros. I would have to say it is the most unfished part of the river. Remember what Moses lk was like before everyone knew about it : )

C-RIDE said:
Shhhhhh! TMI Tag. This place is the real deal. No pressure at all and the winning weight 4 years ago was 27lbs of green! No shit!

Tag Watson said:
I believe it's a river....

Jon Sessler said:
Have you woken up yet, because you are obviously dreaming.

This lake can't exist in real life, you're fishing a tournament on your kids' Xbox, or Playstation aren't you?

P.S. - Eric Delay is slipping it's adviCe
Seriously, delete the post. I want to fish this stretch "someday" before it gets fished out. I've never been on the columbia besides test driving and picking up my boat so it'll be a while before I make it there.
Chris B lets tell the bass club so we can go fish a tourney there :)


Chris B said:
Seriously, delete the post. I want to fish this stretch "someday" before it gets fished out. I've never been on the columbia besides test driving and picking up my boat so it'll be a while before I make it there.
The thing that keeps people away from the area is that it is so far away and you had better know the water or you will be making a visit to Nixons for a lower unit. It gets very very shallow and the water level changes so much throughout the day.

Chris B said:
Seriously, delete the post. I want to fish this stretch "someday" before it gets fished out. I've never been on the columbia besides test driving and picking up my boat so it'll be a while before I make it there.
I live on this stretch and I hate to break it to you but it has been getting more pressure this year than I have ever seen. I still think it will produce, but I have never seen so many guys bass fishing there as I have this year. I almost have to go out in my dad's salmon guide boat to check on my secret spots.

The green fish come and go in that bad boy so you never know. I wish I could be there, I'll be down in the Tri-Cities getting my a** handed to me at the ABA. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

You can also hope Dawson is going to the ABA tourney!
Dawsons never miss this one. They are my main competition. I hope they are there! It will be Rider and Rider vs Dawson and Dawson. lol

Shawn O'Connell said:
I live on this stretch and I hate to break it to you but it has been getting more pressure this year than I have ever seen. I still think it will produce, but I have never seen so many guys bass fishing there as I have this year. I almost have to go out in my dad's salmon guide boat to check on my secret spots.

The green fish come and go in that bad boy so you never know. I wish I could be there, I'll be down in the Tri-Cities getting my a** handed to me at the ABA. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

You can also hope Dawson is going to the ABA tourney!
Sorry to blow your stretch of water Shawn. I don't think most guys will make the drive. Good luck at Tri-cities

Shawn O'Connell said:
I live on this stretch and I hate to break it to you but it has been getting more pressure this year than I have ever seen. I still think it will produce, but I have never seen so many guys bass fishing there as I have this year. I almost have to go out in my dad's salmon guide boat to check on my secret spots.

The green fish come and go in that bad boy so you never know. I wish I could be there, I'll be down in the Tri-Cities getting my a** handed to me at the ABA. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

You can also hope Dawson is going to the ABA tourney!


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