Washington Fishing

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Had this customer come in about a month ago and tell me this crazy story of how he had to kill a CRAZED BASS.  I just suddenly remembered it!  

For the last three years, he'd been visiting his buddy every 4th of July for a family swim time on a local lake.  Every year, the kids would come screaming out of the lake complaining of an attack by a Crazed Lake Monster.  They eventually came to realize that it was an 11+lb female LM that was living/bedding under the end of his dock.    For three years the kids were getting bit from this she-beast as she thought she was defending her nest.  The kids apparently had multiple scuff marks that were like a "road rash" from skateboarding injuries.

Apparently, this year the dad had enough.  Once agiain, the kids were attacked and ran out of the water.  So, dad decided to go in after the Bass.  He said that he walked out like 15 ft from the shoreline and had a standoff with the beast.  She just sat there refusing to move close to the surface.  He yelled to his buddy for a net.  He simply just scooped her up and walked out of the lake.  The neighbor had a scale and it measured over 11lbs!  

Now for the hard part...he said that they sincerly felt it was a danger to both families as the children had all sustained injuries, so...he killed her :(

He said the fish was really nasty.  6 ft of mono sticking out of her ass, two different hooks broken off in her lip and head, many assorted injuries from snagging and fighting.   Sounds like a real beast.

What would you guys have done in this situation???  I'm not sure myself

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I am going to operate under the assumption that everything above is true.....

Explain to the kids what is going on and if a "scuff" mark from a fish is more than they can endure then don't swim. We aren't talking about a bear here. No child could be killed or seriously injured by any kind of fresh water fish living in the Pacific NW. After the fish is done spawning it will move away. Now if a guy just wanted to catch a giant fish ok but let's not use the safety of a child as an excuse. Seems pretty damn simple to me.

Seems like a good way to toughen up some kids that NEED toughening up!

Funny.  Maybe...but I think he said they were like 4 and 6 year old little girls.  If I was there (a boy) I probably would have thought it was cool...but it still would have scared the crap out of me at that age (Jaws came out when I was about 6 or 7).

When I was 6 I would have been trying to catch that bizzach, Zebco in hand;) That would be awesome to see a kid fight and land a fish that size if the fish didn't pull the rod out of their hands. I've heard crazier story's. 

Those pigs seem so finicky when I throw my jig on the nest. Maybe I need to use my 4 year old son as bait next Spring.

Might have to borrow a neighbor kid.  They seem to like the flavor of girl best.

Folks, female bass do not tend nests and male bass rarely grows larger than 6lbs. I find this story very hard to believe at all.

Good point! :)

Chuck Nail said:

Folks, female bass do not tend nests and male bass rarely grows larger than 6lbs. I find this story very hard to believe at all.

I'm right there with you Chuck. VERY hard to believe this particular story. I'm pretty sure the largest male bass on record is under 6lb. I have heard of a buddy's dog grabbin' a male off a nest and putting it right inside his open takle box. This was a particularly aggressive male though. I caught him. he was only about 2.5 lbs. When my friend got snagged out by the nest he waded in and the bass rammed his legs multiple times. Tell your friend to come up with some pics next time you see him. You don't pull an 11 pound bass out of the water and not get pics.


I'll see if I can figure out who he was.   He was just a customer that came in to my shop and started a conversation after seeing my Bass photos on the wall.  He could have exaggerated, but he seemed pretty honest.  He doesn't know the diff. between male/female bedding Bass.  I think he was just speculating.  I hope to get the chance to hear more about this someday, but since he was not a bassfisherman, I doubt he'll have any photos.

The game warden wouldn't care, it's not a salmon.  J/K haha.  Dead or alive, would like to see pics of said 11 lber. 

We would swim in a Spokane lake and had a bass that would bite us there in the spring.


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