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What kind of knot do you use to tie flourocarbon leader to braid?

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This thread is only like 2 weeks old. Read it, it talks about knots a little.
I am tying the uni to uni have had no breaks at the knot my last 3 trips!
Hey Joe,

The Slim Beauty is the best knot I have found. It is much stronger than the uni-to-uni, smaller in size, and comes through the guides far better due to the tag ends both facing back towards the reel. If you want to meet up tomorrow, I will gladly show you how to tie it.

Take care, my man

Hmm I asked this same question last year, and Tag suggested his Slim Beauty, I used it for a while but have since started using the Double Uni-knot. I don't agree with the Slim beauty being the stronger of the two. Try both and test with your lines and conditions. Here's a link that will teach you both.


I use Uni to Uni... it's quick and if I lose my leader in a deep snag I can retie it quickly. Even in the wind it's pretty simple.... simple is good...

Special Note:
Tag is the man and can execute the slim beauty knot in hurricane like conditions and I'm not the man....
Great link, thanks Steve. I usually tie 2 improved clinch knots. I almost never break it on a fish, but occasionally on a snag. The knot is very strong, and as long as the tags are cut short, it really never has any problem getting through eyes.

Steve Hastings said:
Hmm I asked this same question last year, and Tag suggested his Slim Beauty, I used it for a while but have since started using the Double Uni-knot. I don't agree with the Slim beauty being the stronger of the two. Try both and test with your lines and conditions. Here's a link that will teach you both.


Still think the J-Knot is the best for me. Easy to tie, strong, and goes through the guides both directions without a hitch.



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