Washington Fishing

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OK - let's hear the most tiring questions you keep on getting from non-bass fishermen on the lake. Here are the two that I almost can't stand hearing anymore.

1. Why do you need SO many rods?

2. Why do you need a boat that goes 70mph? You can't fish at that speed.

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1. There is bass in this lake?
2. Do you keep all the fish you catch? Bass are good to eat.
3. Why do you have so many rods? You can only fish with one at a time.
I was fishing a very popular trout lake here in Whatcom County last May. Literally hundreds of anglers fish this lake for the first couple weeks after it opens. There is bank access around the entire lake and several fishing docks for the public to use. I approached a huge overhanging tree adjacent to one of the fishing docks occupied by about a dozen trout anglers.

I was pitching a 1 oz. jig as far back as I could into overhanging trees/bushes and had already stuck two big fish doing this in the first half hour on the water. I was making pitches deep into this premium overhang, working it over meticulously. After about a dozen pitches to this tree, a kid about 11 or 12 on the fishing dock yells to me, "That sure is a funny way of fishing, mister. What the heck do you expect to catch fishing like that? A squirrel???"

Of course the entire fishing dock erupts in laughter.....how clever. Then one of the older, wiser trout fisherman informs the youngster that what I am doing is called "trolling". Wow.....gotta love the Powerbait crowd.
I don't trout fish, I don't fish for any pan-fish, I have a Bass boat, and even though most people know that I am a Bass fisherman ....I get tired of people asking me how the Salmon, or Steelhead are biting in the Fall.....usually after my boat is put away. Of Course, I always give them a report.....usually made up off the top of my head.

The walleye fisherman are always asking if I have caught any....and my reply is always " Yeah....and those things are pretty aero-dynamic when you throw them up on the bank aren't they?"

another good one is " what are you catching em on".......I can usually be honest...because they don't know what the heck I am taling about anyway...like a spinnerbait, Spook, Tube......etc. If it doesn't have swivels, leaders, snell hooks, or divers....most guys just get a puzzled look on their face.

The one that I REALLY get tired of......is " Can you get me Delay's Autograph"

haha! dude thats freakin funny.

Tag Watson said:
I was fishing a very popular trout lake here in Whatcom County last May. Literally hundreds of anglers fish this lake for the first couple weeks after it opens. There is bank access around the entire lake and several fishing docks for the public to use. I approached a huge overhanging tree adjacent to one of the fishing docks occupied by about a dozen trout anglers.

I was pitching a 1 oz. jig as far back as I could into overhanging trees/bushes and had already stuck two big fish doing this in the first half hour on the water. I was making pitches deep into this premium overhang, working it over meticulously. After about a dozen pitches to this tree, a kid about 11 or 12 on the fishing dock yells to me, "That sure is a funny way of fishing, mister. What the heck do you expect to catch fishing like that? A squirrel???"

Of course the entire fishing dock erupts in laughter.....how clever. Then one of the older, wiser trout fisherman informs the youngster that what I am doing is called "trolling". Wow.....gotta love the Powerbait crowd.
"How did you get so skilled at the art of angling?"
The one I have been hearing lately is "why are you guys from Spokane such crybaby prima donnas?"
I think people are jealous because it is a provable fact that Spokane has the best bass fishermen in the state.

The other one I have been hearing a lot is: "How can you balance while holding that giant rod between your legs?"
Spokane? Where is that?

PigPuller said:
The one I have been hearing lately is "why are you guys from Spokane such crybaby prima donnas?"
I think people are jealous because it is a provable fact that Spokane has the best bass fishermen in the state.

The other one I have been hearing a lot is: "How can you balance while holding that giant rod between your legs?"
Don't you get tired of eating fish all the tme? I get tired of explaining about catch and release, let them fight another day
"Why are you fishing here? you should be in banks lake." I hate that one. I always have to explain that banks isn't the only good bass lake in the state...
I will have to admit I get tired of being asked how old I am. Whenever I backseat a complete stranger we usually get a little ways into the conversation and then they ask. Like its going to impact my fishing ability or in some of their minds I can tell its more like my lack there of when I reply, 20... My dad still asks me why do I need so many rods, and he knows and understands why, but I guess coming from the 1 rod world of back in the day salmon fishing it cracks him up a little.
All of the above are common and annoying. That is with the exception of the squirrel. That's a new one.

The why don't you keep them is the one that gets me pissed off. Like C&R is a new concept.

There is also the "what happened?" when you have a bad tourney day.


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