Washington Fishing

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I'm going to share an experience with you guys and I know what most of you think. I wanna here some feedback from you all and just tell me if I'm out of line or nuts!
Most of you know that I fished the Memorial tournament last week. Fun as hell by the way. This area is on the Columbia River and the area I fish is by the mouth of the Okanogan river. As I was traveling up the Okanogan river I couldn't help but notice a giant fishing boat . One that you would see in an area like Puget sound or Alaska. It had huge nets hanging from the sides and all over inside. The boat had large orange flags on it that said Research! I didn't think much of it at first. So for most of you that don't know, there is an amazing Salmon run of Kings and Sockeye . There was at least 100+ salmon boats out in the mouth of the river. Most of which launch out of Brewster. I also launched out of Brewster. When I came in to trailer my boat the fish checker was there at the launch. As we pulled in he said " how did you do?". We said we did pretty good! About fifty or so fish. He said what???? He thought we caught that many Salmon. We told him that we were Bass fishing and asked how everyone was doing out there. He said not worth a damn. 70 boats checked and only one fish caught. We asked whats going on. We used to just knock the hell out of them out here. He asked if we saw the RESEARCH BOAT. We said yeah and he informed us that it was an Indian net boat. The Natives have strung thier nets across the entire mout of the Okanogan and a few other spots in the Columbia and there just arent any fish he said. "They don't have a chance". So I just held it in knowing I can't do a damn thing about it. And then my brother called me tonight and said he went out Salmon fishing out there again and same thing only worse! No fish again and nobody was doing any good. They had the nets drug across the mouth again and there were 9 guys on the boat. 1 Native and 8 white guys. They were pulling the nets in full of fish. They were keeping everything that came in the nets, Bass,walleye, and Salmon. I don't even know what to say. Its sad for one. Pisses me off for two and its just plain bullshit! I understand the history and tradition but to me its just plain raping the waters.
When I grew up there, it wasn't that bad. They didn't have the nets out across the mouth . There was a lot of snagging with giant treble hooks but not the complete destruction that there is now. Honestly, If I had the time I would go take care of that Research boat in the middle of the night. I guess I just respect the fish and water too much. Tell me if I'm out of line or if you agree.

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Comment by Eric DeLay on July 24, 2009 at 12:42pm
I agree with Sessler 110%. The liberals are ruining our country. I sure hope everyone here is voting.
I actually donated money to a political campaign for the first time last year but unfortunately Governer Rossi lost his re-election bid.
Comment by cody hampton on July 24, 2009 at 11:36am
thats fuckin bullshit i would probly cuss them out so bad i dont care if there indians or not thats the gayest thing i have ever heard, if i saw a smallie or walleye bien drug up that boat i would throw a m-80 or somethin to those dam people ahahaha
Comment by S Hwang on July 24, 2009 at 10:44am
3-4 years? Haven't we already seen a huge reduction on the Big C? Of course then you get the revolving fingerpointers, lets see, sea lions, dams, bass anglers/smallmouth bass, squawfish etc.
PC reparation bs sucks for the wildlife involved every time, be it salmon or whales or whatever.
Comment by P.J. Koshi on July 24, 2009 at 9:24am
The sad thing is that there are politicians that stand behind the great leaps and bounds being made by hatcheris (half of which are just relics now) and how they are rejuvinating the runs (I'll believe it when I see it)! I am all for the hatchery, but if those politicians would have the balls to step up and say that those Indians are just as capable of catching a salmon with a rod & reel as anyone else we could have runs like they had a century ago. And if they are that low they need to write Research on their net boats they deserve to be paying just as much as us for licenses and tackle. C-Ride you bring up a topic that brings rage to my mind and sadness to my heart, because the Indians are not going to be the bigger party and say they have gotten the payment they deserved for their hardships and now they wish to be on equal foothing with the rest of us. On the flip side the groups and individuals with the power to force the indians to change are worried about their personal image and won't do whats right for 1)the Fish, and 2)the Americans! As much as it pisses us off we shouldn't stoop to their level, but I do like the hay bail idea. I don't know if any of you have seen the show Whale Wars but thats what this may come to! A group of civilians fighting for the Salmon against the netters who hide behind the word Research which=Slaughter!

Comment by C-RIDE on July 24, 2009 at 5:58am
The worst part about the whole thing is the location. The Okanogan river is the last river that any salmon that comes up the Columbia can go. It is a huge run of fish. All of these fish have to run the entire river to make it to the Okanogan. If this keeps up there will be little or no run at all. Even for the lower tributaries. Watch and see, in 3-4 years your gonna see a huge drop in fish counts. This will effect the entire puget sound and Columbia River.
I like the Hay bail Idea!
Comment by Frank Lee White Jr on July 24, 2009 at 5:45am
The Sad " part is...now that we have decided to speak up, we don't have anybody in the
office that can here us or want to. This all goes back to who we let in office, and who we don't..I wonder what the guy told his seven yr old on the way home from the River that day.
Comment by Jordan Doucet on July 24, 2009 at 12:12am
Preach it brother Sessler!
Comment by Brian Walters on July 23, 2009 at 11:02pm
Excuse me but F that. Our Government is so screwed up and not just on a national level but on a state and county level. We have some of the most retarded people in office that dont do one bit of good for the "outdoorsmen" only for the people that will make them more money. I can tell you that the dumb bitch in office now sure the hell dont do anything for us, hell to her eastern washington is just a big pile of crap and should be done away with. I could go on for about 5 hours with this but it wont do any good. All I know is I vote and I am 100% for our rights to own guns, to fish and hunt and to have our outdoors with regulation but quit giving rights that are above and beyond what we can do to people cause they were done wrong 100 plus years ago. Who freaking cares what happen to your great great great grandpa by our government its done and over with. Hell they are just doing the same thing but to the non natives. Take away our land and fishing to give it to them.... hell no, this shit has got to stop. I am ready to leave with truck load of straw, who wants to go.............


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