Washington Fishing

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While fishing Banks this weekend, Chad and I were discussing the upcoming drawdown starting August 2011. The reason for the drawdown is for dam repairs and other maintenance that occurs every 10-15 years. I am curious to hear what kind of effect you guys think this will have on a Banks Lake bass fishery that seems to be already sub-par for quality fish.


My thoughts are that the Smallmouth will likely move out and not be effected seriously, however, my concern comes when thinking about what will happen to the largemouth. Some of the highest populations of largemouth in the lake are obviously in the bays and the punchbowl, which will be high and dry by a longshot with the draw down.

My biggest questions are:

  • Do you think the largemouth will be able to adapt like the smallmouth?
  • What kind of effect will the draw down have on the spawn, especially for the largemouth?
  • Will they skip a spawning year as a result?
  • What will happen to the fishing when they bring the water back up?

I am also really curious to know what the effects of the drawdown were last time that did it and if any efforts were taken to plant artificial structure, etc...


To end my long ramble, maybe this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Maybe a decrease in overall fish population would be a good thing for a lake that is notorious for stunted fish. Despite being a very large lake, I think there is a limited amount of good habitat which could result in over population. Maybe a fresh start with a clear effort to increase habitat on the lake with artificial structure planted in the normal areas would be a good thing. Maybe as the largest community of bass fishermen in the state, we could play a huge part in bringing the fishery back? Thoughts?  



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It will be best to get it done and over with quick and move on. Currently next year in August there won't be many if any tournaments on Banks. September and October should be out, and they won't be rescheduled. If they continue to delay it will leave a bunch of us not planning on going up there for those months only to find out later that it will not be drawn down.
I think you would be surprised how the Largemouth will adapt. There are some Lakes in Texas that Drop that much and the Fish (LM) just move out with the shoreline and find structure to use. Like Marc said, the weedlines and weedbeds may be a key factor, but once the water drops....new weeds will grow....and could possibly form new habitat for when the water comes back up.

As for the Smallies, I would think there is plenty of water for them to adjust out on the main Lake.

I would like to go up there and see what the bottom end of the Lake looks like.

The last time the lake was drawn down. To let you know the weed growth has never recovered from it. There were weeds growing in patches up to 25' deep and thick. The water quality has also never recovered it was alot clearer than it is now. All one to two year old fish will be lost due to little to no cover left to hide. Plus most crawfish, insects,and frogs will not live. So now you have all the adult fish left and not enough food to go around. What fish live will be in very bad shape and the next spawn might also due to lack of cover. The water that dosn't drain back into the deeper areas will be frozen solid during the winter. Just think if you take out 25' of the lake level and most of the northern part of the lake will be nothing more than a channel all the way to Eagle Rock. All of the bays and flats will be high and dry. The lake will never get back it's glory days and it will take 7 to 10 yrs. to get back to the state most of you know. Adding alot of deep sucture might help some. If the winters real cold during the draw down it could even get worst. Aren't you glad you asked!!!
I guess it is my turn to give my two cents worth on Banks lake. This will be the third time that I have seen it and every time, every one makes a big deal out of it. First off, Banks lake is the head waters of the irrigation system, this means everything happens around the farmers. They will start the draw down in August if the farmers don't need water and if they do they will delay it. Oct. is ussually the magic month, and yes they will be done and at full pool to start the water flow in spring. You will be schocked when you go up there(take your camera) and find out that there is still a lot of water left. Enjoy the walk across Osborne Bay road untill you get to the washout.
Everyone has a lot of good ideas about the habitat, just remember you must first get permits to do anything, and that may only take a year or two. The habitat program that has been going on at Banks Lake and at Potholes has done very well for what they have completed. The only way it will get any better is for people to help with the projects.
Now, about the fishing, depending on when the work is complete and they start pumping water, the fish will still spawn, but it may be in very deep water by the time there done. And this of course will only confuse the fisherman. Alot of the fry will not make it due to water temps. But then again the spawn at banks lake ussually will last for quite a few months. Again this will be winter time, and winter time around Banks is not a great place to be.
I remember Darrell and Marty Sapp telling me that the drawdown hurt the over all smallmouth fishing for several years on the southend. they also thought the loss of the perch that year because of the drawdown, took away the prime feed for the smallmouth down there. Anyway they were active A.b.A tournament fisherman back than, and it took quite some time for the fish to come back.


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