Washington Fishing

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Fished the Frostbite tourney at Banks this past weekend. It was dissappointing to only see 34 boats at it this year. When I first started fishing it, there were 60+ boats.
Wind was the name of the game at this one. We had steady 25mph with gust to 40, which created big water from Steamboat on down. This forced most of the competition to fish the northend. A few brave souls, ( myself included) took the ass whooping and went down south.
3 bags of 13lbs were weighed the first day, a little surprising considering the conditions.
Sunday was still blowing hard but not quite as bad, guys were able to run and gun a little more and weights were up a little.
Winning weight was 27.15 Maderos/Karpanko
Second was 26.40 Krestian/?
Third was around 24.00 Had big fish on Sat. 4.2 smallie
Big Fish 6.00lb largie caught by Frank White
Big Bag of the tourney was caught by Stahlman/Dover team on Sunday. They had a nice 14.4 lb bag

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Good Job Marky Mark !! Two 1st place wins in one season and making the state team .. awsome year man !! And hats off Mr Frank White aka big fish Franky !!
Nice work Mark, thats an impressive weekend! What seemed to be the ticket?

Frank, a 6lb greeny?! Thats ridiculous!
Great Job Mark!!

BigBass Dez said:
Good Job Marky Mark !! Two 1st place wins in one season and making the state team .. awsome year man !! And hats off Mr Frank White aka big fish Franky !!
Damn Dez aka" BBD", were gonna have to consider changing Frank's screen name to BBF "Big Bass Frank"

Good job up there this weekend guys!

BigBass Dez said:

BigBass Dez said:
Good Job Marky Mark !! Two 1st place wins in one season and making the state team .. awsome year man !! And hats off Mr Frank White aka big fish Franky !!
Mark is right on. I haven't fished the Frostbite in a few years and this one had to be among one of the hardest. Congrates to Mark, but some of us just couldn't make the run down lake and that limited us to places to fish out of the high winds. I did, also, notice the lack of boats over past years.
It is hard to put together a good tourney, especially, this time of year. But, I have to admit I was a bit disappointed how this event was managed. Something had changed from years past. Lack of information, out time second day and weigh in time. My partner and I didn't get any of that from the drivers meeting on the first day. We must have missed some how.
Example: we didn't have an out time for Sun and as we were putting our boat in the water others were blasting off. If it was just us, I wouldn't have any comments, we goofed, but there were at least 10 boats just putting in some yet to do so. So, something wasn't kosher.
If this event doesn't improve numbers and with the unpredictable weather, it could jeapordise future ones. We tracked the weather from Thur on into Sun and it was all wrong each day, except Friday. It was really difficult how to plan your day. Oh well, some body always figures it out and does good, none the less.
We worked rockpiles that were 36 to 40 ft. In the past years it always seems like that there are still good shallow fish, but you really have to know the lake and where to run and hit as many spots as possible to do well with a shallower pattern. I discovered a string of rockpiles in the middle of the lake a few years ago and the weather has never affected these fish. Calm, warm, warmer water temps or cold, nasty, blowing like the dickens. It doesn't matter to these fish. It seems that the worse the weather the more big fish there. In years past as I have fished this area, I have refined the area, "spots within the spots". So with the bad weather this weekend I had it narrowed down to 3 little areas within the string of rock piles. We work over these area's all day long both days and caught 7 on saturday and 10 on Sunday. Drop shot, heavy leadheads with grubs and carolina rigs. Standard stuff that everyone throws, it was just a matter of having the mental game to know that the fish are there and grind them out.


Jordan Doucet said:
Nice work Mark, thats an impressive weekend! What seemed to be the ticket?

Frank, a 6lb greeny?! Thats ridiculous!
Congrats Mark & Stu, finally got that first in the frostbite after some thirds and seconds. You earned it!
Congrats Mark and Stu way to go.

That is definitely a lower boat count than I expected but maybe I wasn't the only one to sleep through the alarm!
Great Job guys, Those are some good weights for Banks and figuring out some out of the way spots is hard to do on that lake anymore. Again, well done!
Great Job"M&M and Mr Karpanko as well as the ,2s and 3s and 4,5,10,15th, 20s thanks for the Luv U guys...Like I said before it's an Honor to be a part of the NorthWest Angling Society were elaments, wind rain snow ice are not a determent from our great love of BASS fishing and competition "yall are crazyeeeee" but that's why we are on the map and regarded as some of the best in the region. My hat is off to the 30+ that showed up you ROCK!!
aka finaly (thawed) out is more like it.
Nice job Mark! I hope I can make over for next years event. Posting this type of tournament info is awsome and good for all. Thanks for posting it and for sharing with us such detailed information. P.S. Maybe the good luck was in the t-shirt?
Hey Frank,
Nice Largemouth! That is a pig for this time of year and the weather didn't effect that fish at all. I know sometimes you just have to fish and forget about the elements. But, man that's impressive. You must have been jacked!! Good job!


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