Washington Fishing

The Online Source for Washington Fishing Information

As long as wafish is alive, I will grace this place with a fine look-a-like post at the end of January as a sign that the February Drag bite is upon us. 


enjoy, and feel free to add.  But please....keep it semi respectful.  Apologies in advance for stealing your pics!



Nick Berto:  Chimo Stash






















Adam Morrison:  Also dawning a chimo stash.

A rodless Joel Alinen

Cro-magnon man who also needs no rod.


Tom Edwards:  Unknown visual

Book written by Tom Edwards


Ronald Hobbs Jr.


Guy who also confidently fishes out of mud puddles

Marc Marcantonio:  A true master of technology and HDS

Before the days of Structure scan:


Chris Rider: 


Knight Rider:

Eric Delay and a couple of his Bests:

Eric Delay and his besty boycotting Wafish

Zach Chandler:  A strapping fireman for Tacoma FD holding a baby smallmouth

A slightly larger fireman holding an actual baby.


Mark Maderos Rev Rigging

Some other guy doing the same thing:

Tag Watson:  Really tall guy holding huge a fish

Ryan Leaf:  Also quite tall, also holding a nice fish.


Aaron Echternkamp: 

Silent Wafish member guy:

David Parniky:  Great fish!

Ernest Hemmingway:  Also quite an angler

Joel Alinen:  Why not one more time?

Go Go Gadget Arms:

Jon Werner:  Tough as nails with Daughter

Eminem with Daughter:

Josh Potter: 

Harry Potter:

Lloyd:  Eating a huge fish

Samual L. Jackson:  Getting eaten by a big fish in "deep blue Sea"

Russ Baker: Entreupraneur



Billy Mays:  legendary Infomercialist.  R.I.P


The branding of Nixon's Marine:


The Face of the organization:  Garry Busey...errr...I mean Jeff Priester

John Potter:  Photoshop mastermind

Thomas Knoll:  The actual Mastermind who created photoshop

Anthony White:  Clearly dedicated to bass fishing


Jordan Doucet:  frenchy holding up some gold


Statue of liberty:  Also a gift from France, and also hoisting up gold.


Don Hogue:

Hummingbird sticker


Often confused for the best ever: KVD

The one and Only Misathrope: 


Gun Nut:  Ted Nugent


The infamous "Cris"

Doogie Howser riding a unicorn I guess?


The Always Classy:  Mike Matkowski


Equally as Classy:


The legendary Gary Dobyns:

The ability to walk on water

Big Bass Dez:


Randy Moss:



Thats all I got.   Feel free to add you own, and hopefully I didnt offend anyone.  If I did let me know!

Views: 2602

Replies to This Discussion

This was hilarious!!  Great work Jake!!!  I would spend tonight coming up with my own look a likes but I am going fishing in the morning and I still need to get stuff ready.  I will try to put something together on Monday.

Our favorite tournament director Stilen:

Cousin Ducket?


Our very own Washington state BASS team member on the water:

And off the water...


Cleaning the boat:

 Or the car:


The guys who always kick our ass on Washington: 



Must be superheros:

Good 'ol Willie:


In cartoon form:

Off to TBF Nationals in Tennesee:

Then to the jersey shore:




More to come...

That was pretty funny

Shawn McDaniels in his bullett

F-22 Roaptor Stealth Fighter


Mike Buse

A cheeseburger


Kimihiko Nakamura

William Hung



Delmar from "Oh brother where art though?"




This is good stuff!  Nice work guys!

Great thread!

I don't visit Walakes forums.  I have seen this done on various college athetics sites though.  Cris said:
This is actually taken from walakes site also. Congrats on that!
Awesome!!  haha   

Very nicely done...

I will bite!


Jake "who just plays with his snake"

Another Jake "The Snake"


Ron "The Milkman" Hobbs Jr., new dad with another on the way?

The other Milkman who keeps on giving...



PJ "skinny white boy"

Another skinny white boy!


Tag "white rapper" with daughter doing his thing...

White rapper doing his thing with daughter...


The Leprechaun who always steals everyone’s money...

Other thieving leprechaun...


Delay's favorite IHOP-ness.. Delay, he loves to go down then get out...


A guy trying to figure out his sexuality


Another guy who doesn't know what or who to do...

Chad “bands” Eidson

Another “band hunter” you know I’m playing! J



Tony LoGrumpo…

The actual grouch


Good partners




Anthony Gagliardi


That is the first round... I am just getting warmed up...

Everyone's favorite fishing guide:

In his birthday suit:

Dana Steiner:

Scott Steiner:

Roy Van Slyke:

Willie Nelson:


or Burt:


Joey Nania- Boy Wonder:

The original:


Dez the "Rookie"

Dave Chappelle


Tito The Rockin Basser

Mick Jagger The Rocker


Willie Now

Willie aged and bulky

That's Ron Wood not Mick Jagger

P.J. Koshi said:

Dez the "Rookie"

Dave Chappelle


Tito The Rockin Basser

Mick Jagger The Rocker


Willie Now

Willie aged and bulky


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