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I don't know who this "John Cambis" is.  Probably T-Bone re-visited, but beware.  He will pm you looking for help to get on fish.  He and his trusty backseat gremlin, pictured below, may look to make Bass chowder out of your favored quarry.

Which begs the question.....  I love helping people catch fish.  I've put little girls on fish and old men on fish.  I don't discriminate.....but when it comes to the internet, how many people do you guys think look at this site with intent to kill bass?, and how much info is too much?  How do you make sure that a seemingly nice guy probing for info isn't a bass killing maniac?

If you don't know there, is a lot of smallmouth being thrown in bushes these days by salmon anglers who hate bass in the rivers.  There are guys who would love to learn how to find bedding bass, and catch and take.

Just figured I might put this up for discussion since Mr. Cambis didn't like the way the previous thread was going, so he deleted it. 

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And to be fair....Mr Cambis could be a totally cool guy who just kept that fish for the wall.  Even if we give Mr. Cambis the benefit of the doubt, that doesn't change the fact that many people who look at this site don't C&R anything.

 especially when west side buckets are getting harder to find, just do the c&r thing and allow those big pigs to reproduce!!


Its tough to say, Ive C&R for many years. and every once in while ill keep fish for the frying pan, mostly 10 or 12 inch smallies but 2 years ago i kept a 4 1/2 lb largie. as good as she was, that was just too much fillet for me, so i know better next time Maybe that was his first? I dont know the guy. I dont see an issue with keeping a fish or too, but maybe its just me knowing what i know now, theres no sense in keeping a 5, 6 7 or 8lb fish when theresa plenty bluegil and perch or go to banks and, stock up on 10 inchers all day.  smallies that size are wild fire on forage for bigger stronger fish anyway.

i agrree, places like tapps need a culling occasionally to keep the growth rates up.The rats as we call them could use a little thinning there right now due to the over abundance and competiton for forage.

William McMurry said:

Its tough to say, Ive C&R for many years. and every once in while ill keep fish for the frying pan, mostly 10 or 12 inch smallies but 2 years ago i kept a 4 1/2 lb largie. as good as she was, that was just too much fillet for me, so i know better next time Maybe that was his first? I dont know the guy. I dont see an issue with keeping a fish or too, but maybe its just me knowing what i know now, theres no sense in keeping a 5, 6 7 or 8lb fish when theresa plenty bluegil and perch or go to banks and, stock up on 10 inchers all day.  smallies that size are wild fire on forage for bigger stronger fish anyway.

So let me get this right  ...           Mr Cambis has blood on his hands !

                                               Jake dam near made me piss myself !

                                               The poor lil kid cant wait to take the same pic !

                                               William is coming out of the closet !

                                               Eric is crunching numbers in his head !   


Gotta love "WAFISH AFTER DARK " ....Im off to bed in hopes that tomorrow brings a better day ...


I guess your right, i did not like how it was going.  As an example calling some ones child a gremlin is very mature.  What exactly is a bass killing maniac.  I dont eat fish, and my family does not either.  Keeping a tryphy fish IMO is not the end of the world.  I know that C+R is the prefered method, and i practice it often.  I also think wasting fish by thowing them on the bank is seriously warped.  The only exception is an invasive species like the snakehead, which i have never caught.  It is awsome that there is an admition of knowing nothing about me, but still blasting me like the anti-christ.  I was hopeing that i could just wait and meet some people so that things would be cleared up, but based on the new post the hate will continue.  I am pleased to see that people on this board are consirned about protecting the fishery, as our resourse is not endless.  I hope to see many of you on the water soon.  Have a happy day and tight lines.

You guys are missing the point of the thread. Its not a debate about wether keeping a fish or two is ok. That debate is tired.

The debate i want to have, is at what point does online information get used against those who are into conservation and c & r?

John... You keep saying you are a big c and r guy.... So start contributing to the thread instead of whining. I mean what do expect coming to a bass site as an unknown guy "moving to the area" who has one picture of a dead bass"? Change your screen name.... Take that picture off and start over. Dont blame me for your idiocy.

Your defensive posture and avoidance of pertinant arguments suggest to me that you are not what you claim.

Jake your question is a good one!  I think that the things on WAfish and the things you hear at the sportsman show are going to help very few meat fisherman in the long run.  The information about spawning times and seasonal migrations of fish on specific waterways are the only things that come to mind that would really enable those folks to harvest more bass.  Until I started targeting bass when I was like 13 I had fished a lot with my dad for other things and never caught one.  The simple fact in my mind is that a very high percentage of guys that are hungry wont be throwing a Skinny Bear jig with a Chigger craw trailer because they read that Ron Hobbs uses that.  If I see a stringer of bass it makes my blood boil too, but I have not seen this in a long time because those guys you pass on the dock or sitting at the ramp with a rod leaned up against a stand are usually fishing a bobber or they have a massive chunk of Powerbait eggs on a tiny hook glued to the bottom.  I don't worry too much about that guy destroying the population of bass in that lake.  If it wasn't WAfish guys could still go read westernbass.com or FLW articles and see things about our local lakes, so I would not say that this site's information is necessarily going to cause a negative impact on our local lake's populations of bass.

Oh and Mr Cambis, I know you aren't from around here but, a trophy bass, that 5lber in your picture is NOT!

Ahh....thank you Pj for the contribution to the actual topic.  I agree with everything you said.  When you look at alot of the information provided on this site, and magazines....its very general and certainly wouldn't lead too many folks to instant success.


That said, do you think that dynamic changes on an interactive forum compared to a magazine, where some very nice and gracious anglers give up information via PM regarding spawning areas, localised techniques and such? 


What do you think John?  Should people just believe that internet personas like me and you will respect a fishery just because my screen name is "C&R bass dude"?  What if I conjur up some pics of a hand putting a fish back in the water?  Does that make me trustworthy?

I will tell you that I have received detailed maps of spawning areas in the Priest pool section of the columbia river from a complete stranger on a different site.  All I did was ask if that pool was any good for bass, and this guy emails me, what I have found to be an incredibly accurate map of spawning areas, timing, and even color codes the different substrates....ie... weed line...  Boulder, gravel, chunk rock.  I was really new to smallmouth fishing at the time and didn't have a clue.  My first day up there I caught fish off his stuff.  The second time I fished his stuff my biggest 5 went 19.5lbs including a 5lb 13 smallmouth.  I wasn't all that far removed from being a "rootbeer colored grub guy". 

Do you think there are meat fisherman who could possibly pose as everyday "good guy" c & r or selective harvest people who really are meat fisherman?

Do you think there aren't some very talented anglers who really have a disdain for bass, considering their non native status, and enablement of bucket biologists acting as a perceived detriment to their favored fishery? 

This is a great site, and has provided me with some real nice tips and tricks that have helped point me in some good directions.  The point of this thread is really just to get guys re-thinking about the idea of sending PM's with real detail to anyone they haven't met or nobody has met.....The thread that got deleted reminded me of some information that has come my way, that probably shouldn't have...

I wouldn't worry too much Jake. There is rarely any useful information on here in regards to catching fish.


There is way less information cirulated to fewer people on this website than there is in any bass magazine and it's all the same information.


I almost always agree with your points.  I would not agree that there isn't useful information regarding catching fish being given via PM.  Not only that but when a guy is asking about ponds or small lakes...rarely is there anything about that in any magazine.  Re-read my post about the spawning map I once received from a total stranger....and what I then caught off his spots without needing to be a talented bass angler. 


For god sakes Josh....You know first hand how incompetant I am.  Thats got to say something...

Jake, I think you and P.J. are working both ends of the same spectrum. Really hard to wonder how to increase participation and grow bass fishing and at the same time impose some sort of limits on information. I understand not wanting to see a resource depleted by others, but I think you're just going to stress yourself out overall. 15 years ago or so when some of the first fishing forums popped up there was alot of discussion about people fishing out various locations based on generous info they received online. And like Josh eludes to, many of the various outdoor and bass fishing publications have also had to deal with these issues going back even further. I willing to bet that for every person who has put a hurt on the bass fishing population because of "info" there are 4 people (like yourself) who have become defenders of the resource as a result of info that let them experience the joy of bass fishing.
Good topic - something we all struggle with.


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