Washington Fishing

The Online Source for Washington Fishing Information

I have always had a fondness for Lake Washington. Even though it can be frustrating this time of year I have spent more time there than anywhere else. It is so big and there are so many ways to catch them, so many areas to figure out, (and the tournament factor)that I just can't pry myself away to go elsewhere very often.

What's your favorite lake and why?

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LAKE-X OR IS IT "A"? HAHA! Yea I cant Wait to try and hook into that big one next to the beaver hut under the water pipe. You know it will be there!

Brian Bassguy Walters said:
1. Banks just for the plain ole fact of I love going there. Fishing is always good, numbers are freaking insane and size can be good if you know where to fish. Great place to hang out with friends and family too.
2. Potholes, for basically same reasons Ron stated. I hated Potholes for years but about 5 years ago I finally spent a bunch of time and figured it out. Now it is fun and I always look forward to going there.
3. A few small lakes around my area. We have got multi fish over 7,8 and one 9.5 and one 10.5. We never fished it last year so this should be a good year. I only fish these for a short time and when I have time to play.

So many lakes such little time. My #1 would be Banks after that it is were every I decide to point my truck.
x2 what Tag said. Any lake with stained water, weeds/pads, and big largies is where I feel like fishing the most.
My new favorite lake would have to be Moses Lake. Tony Lofranco and I were prefishing last year for the nixons open and caught a 36.9 lb five fish limit . It was my first time on the lake. So that got me pretty excited. We caught 3 fish over 8 lbs and Tony caught one almost 9 lbs. It was the best fishing day I have ever had.
Daaaaannnggg, did you take any pics ? Would love to see those pigs.

C-RIDE said:
My new favorite lake would have to be Moses Lake. Tony Lofranco and I were prefishing last year for the nixons open and caught a 36.9 lb five fish limit . It was my first time on the lake. So that got me pretty excited. We caught 3 fish over 8 lbs and Tony caught one almost 9 lbs. It was the best fishing day I have ever had.
Yeah, some of the pics are on my profile page. Same with Tony's page. We both got our biggest Largemouth ever that day.
Lake Pateros on the Columbia. It's my home water and even though the smallmouth numbers aren't that high the quality is awesome. Ten Mile in Oregon would probably be second for me. I've only fished it once, but I almost sold everything I had (except the boat) and moved down there.
i really have no idea why I'm saying this but I always look forward to a trip to potholes. Never really spent alot of time over there, and every tourney I fish there i basically bring up the rear of the field, but i leave wanting to come back the next day. I also love silver lake in the spring...Also wallula is awesome mainly because those river fish flat stetch your string. hmm guess i have no true favorite, but now i want to go fishing!

Ya I got a few more lake "X" now. I havent been up there in a few years so I need to go back. What ya say we make us a little trip up there?

Ron Langley said:
LAKE-X OR IS IT "A"? HAHA! Yea I cant Wait to try and hook into that big one next to the beaver hut under the water pipe. You know it will be there!

Brian Bassguy Walters said:
1. Banks just for the plain ole fact of I love going there. Fishing is always good, numbers are freaking insane and size can be good if you know where to fish. Great place to hang out with friends and family too.
2. Potholes, for basically same reasons Ron stated. I hated Potholes for years but about 5 years ago I finally spent a bunch of time and figured it out. Now it is fun and I always look forward to going there.
3. A few small lakes around my area. We have got multi fish over 7,8 and one 9.5 and one 10.5. We never fished it last year so this should be a good year. I only fish these for a short time and when I have time to play.

POTHOLES!!! Hands down my favorite place to fish. For the same reasons as Ron. You can fish anywhere with anything you want. Both smallmouth and largemouth in the summer time is hard to beat as well as the senery and everything else.

I also have a few small unpopular lakes that I love to fish because no one else does (:
I will Agree with Ron and Nick here Potholes is my favorite lake. It is always changing and has big fish not to mention the chance of getting a Largemouth or a Smallmouth on every cast. It has amazing scenery, a boat ride on Potholes is fun even if fishing is slow :) I pretty much learned to fish on this lake and will continue to spend most of my summer fishing over there learning everything I can about that lake from one of the best.
I think lake Sammamish in the summer is awesome we get away from the heat on this side of the mountains and the fish are some of the strongest smallies I have ever tried to land, and you catch a lot of fish.


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Old Farts Tournament on Potholes

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